Your Bad Mood Could Be Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency

Joanne French
Believe Achieve
Published in
7 min readFeb 22, 2021


Research suggests a connection between Vitamin D deficiency and mental heath issues such as depression, anxiety and other disorders.

Photo by Hedgehog Digital on Unsplash

I’m sure you heard the news that Vitamin D may decrease the severity of COVID-19 [1]. If that tidbit doesn’t convince you to get onboard with Vitamin D, perhaps this post will. Read on!

I had no idea that Vitamin D did anything other than help absorb calcium and strengthen our bones. So, as a woman of a certain age, I took Vitamin D3 whenever I remembered to do so. No big deal. Who wants osteoporosis? No one.

Vitamin D does so much more than prevent osteoporosis.

Nearly every system in our body needs Vitamin D to function including our brains. A friend of mine who has seasonal depression and is Vitamin D deficient clued me to the benefits of taking Vitamin D for mental health. It got me thinking. For starters, I wondered why many health providers don’t screen for this. I haven’t been screened for Vitamin D deficiency. Have you?

I did a lot of research on Vitamin D. I love geeking out on the hows and whys our bodies and brains might misfire. I was a bit surprised at what I found about Vitamin D and why nearly everyone is at risk for Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.



Joanne French
Believe Achieve

Speaker | Writer | Master Mind Leader| Editor Believe Achieve Pub. on Medium |