Do You Want To Join Our Community Of Artists?

Francis Lee
Believe It, This Is Art
2 min readDec 31, 2023

This publication is run by you!

Image by Author

I created this publication because I wanted a community of artists that could share their works of art. The theme of this publication is that everybody is an artist. If you create something, then that is art and you are an artist. A doodle, a coloring book, a photo of a vegetable, A.I. art, a song, a bedtime story on audio, textile creations, jewellry, a video, a circle on a blank page … it is all art. There are no boundaries here, only infinite potential.

My intention for this publication is not to have thousands of readers. If it happens that’s wonderful. My intention is not to have control over the content and the format. Of course, if any content is against Medium terms of service and what most human beings consider healthy, legal content, that’s a no go. Other than that, the sky is the limit.

My intention for this publication is to create a meeting place of artists. Imagine this as an art gallery with comfy couches and chairs. We can gather here to inspire each other to create art often and with passion. Perhaps it is here that you discover a new way to create art. Perhaps your life becomes a little brighter. That will be how this publication and our community experiences success.

Becoming a member of this community means that I will make you an editor. Yes, we are all editors. What that means is that when you write a story, you simply publish it to this publication and it is automatically published without a review process.

There are no format rules. So format your story however you want. Of course, having a catchy title is always good. Although, you could also experiment with not having a title. It’s your call because … there are no rules for formating.

To join this fantastic community, simply make a comment on this story and ask to be included. It’s that simple. You are also encouraged to invite any friends you have to join us. Everyone is welcome!

I look forward to your contribution of art!
Francis Lee



Francis Lee
Believe It, This Is Art

My daily intention is to live in Nothingness. In this space of nothingness, there resides pure joy. There is no wanting or waiting here, just surrendering.