Part B Connecting to God Series

Meditation as a tool of divine connection

Adetuyi Tolu Emmanuel
Engraced Hub
3 min readMar 24, 2017


Bible verse: Joshua 1:8
1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The word of God

Meditation is the act of pounding on God’s word after study.
It is key and essential to know that studying the word of God precedes meditation,this is because you only meditate on what you’ve discovered, either for clarification, or guidelines/steps to take in becoming what the study has revealed to you.
As inspired by holy spirit, this will be explained by answering some few questions that cut across meditation as a whole.

Why should I meditate?

Let’s consider this excerpt from Joshua 1:8

…This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night…

-It is a God given commandment to unveil/unleash God’s blessings upon us.

How can I meditate on the word of God?
1. Study the word of God.
To locate and gain access to God’s blessings, we need to search for it, and the only place to find his blessings is in his word. His word is everything we need to know because God himself is The word, and the only way to get acquainted with God(word) and his promises is through the word(God). (John 1:1)

Note: Reading is not studying.

And while it comes to studying the word of God, the help of holy spirit is essential and vital as he gives understanding to what is being read, which in turn makes it a living, acceptable and profitable study. (2 Cor 2:6)

2. Jot down the bible verses:

Write down the Bible verses you’ve discovered to be in mutual relationship with what you are searching for e.g if you are looking for healing and you then discover a verse of scripture like 1 Pet 2:24, jot it down somewhere and continue with the search.

3. Ruminate on the jotted verses
In a solo manner, go through all jotted verses, and start pounding on it believing the holy spirit for more clarification on what to do.

4. Put your faith to work
If you engage in this three steps with Faith trust me, something inside of you will start giving you understanding about the subject matter. At this stage, you also need to start jotting those things down so you don’t forget.

Note: Meditation comes in 2 folds.

  1. Confirmation of blessings in active state.
  2. Revelation of things to do to activate blessings in passive state.
  • What do I get after meditation?*

following the excerpt from Joshua 1:8c
…for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success…

In addition to this, you will also receive:

  1. Confirmation of his blessings in active state.
  2. Guidelines in accessing God’s blessings in passive state.
  3. Renewal of mind (help fight against evil thought)
  4. Strengthens your faith (Rom 10: 17)
  5. Keeps you connected to God.

What should I do after meditating on the word of God?
Meditation reveals to us things needed to do in order to achieve/become those things we’ve discovered while studying God’s word.

Let’s take a look at an excerpt from the scripture.

…that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein…

1. This part leaves us with a responsibility of unraveling the things required of us to seal his blessings that has been revealed through his word.
2. Act according to what you’ve discovered because only the doer of his word can receive his blessings. James 1:22

Meditation is more like a school of discipleship between you and God as it serves as a platform to ask and receive from God (Its a platform to engage God).

As you engage in meditation, may his will for your life be discovered and may his blessings be confirmed in your life in Jesus Name (Amen).

