Part D: Connecting to God Series

Prayer as a petition tool

Adetuyi Tolu Emmanuel
Engraced Hub
2 min readMar 26, 2017


Bible verse: Matthew 21:22

22: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

By the special grace of God, in this series, we will be considering a very sacred tool of warfare used in connecting with God for solutions/inquiries/guidelines.

What is Prayer?
-Prayer is an holy petition written to God in accordance with his word.
-Prayer is a means of making inquiry from God (for directions).
-Prayer is a lifestyle, and not a seasonal or sacred act to be engaged in by pastors alone.
-Prayer is a God given tool to fight all forms of warfare and satanic kingdom.

Rules of Prayer
— You must not pray with iniquity in your heart Matthew 7:33, Psalm 32:2
— You must not pray with doubt Matthew 21:21
— You must not pray amis James 4:3
— Pray in accordance with the scripture Proverbs 28:9
— Start and end your prayer with thanksgiving Philippians 4:6, Colossians 4:2
— Pray with faith Mark 11:24
— Pray for your Nation Psalm 122:6
— Pray for others Job 42:10
— Engage in kingdom advancement prayer Matthew 6:33, Luke 11:2

It is essential to master these rules while engaging with God in prayer, for, optimum delivery.

In the next series, we will be looking at some strategic steps to praying an answerable prayers.

