Christianity is the only religion that is…

(This is why Christianity is what everyone should follow.)

Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

He died so I could live. But how would I be living if he hadn’t?

The other day I saw something on Facebook that stood out to me. It made me think, where would I be without Jesus? What type of person would I be? What kinds of things would I be doing?

For a very long time I didn’t have Jesus in my life. I thought I did, but I didn’t. Jesus said “If you love Me, keep My commandments” and “…people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me...” Well that was me! I thought I loved Jesus because I would honor him with my lips, but my actions didn’t. I would be the same person saying “I love God.” While I got drunk, and passed out on the floor of some night club on a Friday night. I didn’t keep his commandments and looking back I would pretty much say I was a self destructing, mean, cruel, angry, bitter and most importantly hopeless person.

It says in the bible that Jesus died on the cross so that we may live.

But how would I be living if he hadn’t?

This is why you should follow Christ.

Christianity is different from almost any other major religion because our God actually died for us. He was the only one that was able to demonstrate what it really meant to be wholeheartedly selfless.

Christianity is such a selfless religion because not only did God die on the cross, but he was also humiliated, tortured and persecuted all while being completely innocent. He lived a life of constantly healing people, traveling from city to city with no exact home, and still willingly died without a fight or any resentment toward his persecutors.

That is the most selfless thing anyone can do.

So why do we struggle?

Part of the reason Jesus came down to die for us, is to example how we should be as christians. So if he showed us exactly how we should… why do we struggle? Naturally we are not sefless but selfish. As humans, we do everything with a motive…some people more than others, but usually when we do something good we expect something good in return. Some examples of this would be working a job, whenever we work a job we expect to be paid a livable wage. Whenever we are nice to someone, we expect that person to be nice to us. Whenever we give someone money we expect if we were to ever fall into a rough financial situation that, that person would help us out. These may seem like normal things, but it does show that we naturally expect good things in return for doing good.

But Christ was never like that. He actually talks about this in the scriptures. We are supposed to give more than what was asked of us, even if it was taken. We are supposed to not expect anything in return and to pray for people who do us wrong.

“And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.”

Luke 6:29–31

Christ was the epitome of a selfless person.

I hope that this blog reminds you just how selfless Christ was, and how this makes christianity the best example to follow.

Have a great day saints!

Thank you so much for reading

-Alexandria Cooper



Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints

Wife || Mama Bear & Self Help Fanatic! I write about Self Help, Christianity & Parenting.