Creating Humans was the ULTIMATE Disaster.

Examining God’s amazing and unshakable love.

Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints
3 min readAug 17, 2021


Why would a God create humans when he knew they’d be sinners?

As I turn on the news I see many terrible things. I see violence, crime, murder, hunger, pain, literally everything you can imagine. And I think why?

If God, the creator of the universe knows everything… why create humans when he knew they’d be sinners. He knew how horrible the world would turn out to be. But still, he created us. He created you and me.

“…God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.”

1 John 3:20 NKJV

What Is Love? Is Love even worth it?

For a very long time it’s been hard for me to wrap my head around why God would create humans who would bring him so much pain. Why does God love us so much?

I talked about this topic with my husband and he explained to me what love is from his point of view. To him, love is not a feeling but a choice.

Some examples would be, just how we choose to love people despite their wrongdoing.

We choose to love our parents despite mistakes they’ve made.

We choose to love our partner, despite things they’ve said in the past that have hurt us.

As christians, we choose to love our neighbor even though that person may not be the nicest.

And just how we choose to love others despite pain they’ve caused us… Jesus did the same thing, but in a super big way because not only did he still love us through the pain humans caused him, but then to finish it off… he died for us.

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

Choosing to love the unloveable.

Currently I’m 9 months pregnant. Since I’ve been pregnant my husband’s explanation of what love is has really helped me to realize that maybe my own understanding of love, is not very understanding at all.

If my own definition of love was correct then I would love my unborn son one minute, and as soon as he caused me any pain what so ever I would choose to stop loving him and abort him. Since my definition of love is just a feeling. So, I could feel in love with him one-second and the next second, feel that I don’t love him anymore.

Taking a step back and looking at it from that perspective… most people wouldn’t consider that love at all. I’ve learned that Love is not a feeling of admiration for someone in that very moment, but more so choosing to still love them even when they’re unloveable.

I’ve learned that even though we are sinners, and we’re a big mess… Gods love really is unfathomable. God still wakes us up everyday. He still blesses us with clothes, food, shoes..etc. He still chooses to love us because just like the bible said God truly is love.

“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

1 John 4:8 NKJV

Even though God doesn’t need us, he created us and still allows us to live every day because he loves.

You know the saying…“Love makes you do crazy things!”


Until next time… Thanks so much for Reading !

Love, Alex



Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints

Wife || Mama Bear & Self Help Fanatic! I write about Self Help, Christianity & Parenting.