The Greatest weapon of all is the Scriptures.

Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints
4 min readJul 5, 2021

How to easily memeorize scripture and why it’s important.

Have you ever been trying to tell someone about Jesus but you can’t seem to remember the full scripture, chapter or verse?

Well that’s happen to me a ton of times, and then I realized, If I’m going to tell the world about Jesus I probably should know certain scriptures word for word. An example would be, if I’m going to tell someone how much Jesus loves them. It makes sense for me to know John 3:16, (or really any other scripture that goes with the context of what I’m speaking about).

As we spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, people will only want to listen to us if it seems we know what we’re talking about, and have a good understanding of the bible.

Below I’ll break down some reasons why it’s extremely important as a christian to have memorized at least a few scriptures and how you can do it easily.

Jesus did it!

One of the main things that pushed me to start memorizing scripture is because as I learned more about Jesus. I noticed that he did it. He memorized at least parts of the old testament. By him doing that, he was able to teach others. I figured if I’m supposed to be like Jesus… then memorizing scripture is probably something I should do as well. I’ll give you some examples of when Jesus memorized scripture.

  1. ) When he was tempted three times by Satan in wilderness he said “For it is written..” Then he stated the scripture.
  2. ) When Jesus flipped over the table and chairs because they were selling things on the sabbath he said “For it is written…” Then he again stated the scripture.

In both of these, we can see that Jesus knew the old testament. In other parts of the bible it points out when Jesus was given a book to read from, but in these two incidents above it doesn’t mention about Jesus reading from the old testament. So we can conclude that he knew those scriptures by heart.

People will test you because even Satan knows the bible.

Unfortuately we live in a world wear some people really don’t like christians. They will do everything they can to dismatle and disprove chritianity with the little knowledge they do know. Satan does this as well except he actually knows scripture. In the beginning when it was just Adam and Eve, Satan was able to tempt Eve by questioning if what God said was actually true. He was able to confuse Eve by twisting the word of God and telling her she wouldn’t die but in fact her eyes would be opened.

Because of this Eve fell for it. Satan will make us doubt what God said and his authority. This is why we need the word of God within us.

In times of need you’ll be able to remind yourself of scripture.

At times sometimes I struggle with worry, fear and doubt. When those thoughts creep into my mind it really helps me to remember the word of God (the scriptures). My favorites are Matthew 28:20, Isaiah 41:10 and Matthew 6:33.

These scriptures reassure me that even in times of doubt, God hears me, He loves me and he is closer than the air I breath. That instantly helps me to feel better. Our mind is so powerful, as we put on the armor of God, Let our mind hold the greatest weapon. The scriptures.

But how do I memorize it?

I usually have one to three scriptures for that week that I want to memeorize. I’ll write those scriptures down on flashcards. Then I’ll recite them a few times in the morning.

After that, I’ll take a few minutes to write the scriptures down in my notebook over and over again. This also helps me to memerize them. Then I’ll put my flashcards in my purse and take them with me throughout the day. As I go on with my day, I’ll try to take a look at them and review them. Or I’ll try to recite them in my head to see if I’ve memorized it. I’ll do this daily. This repetition has worked for me because at the end of the week I usually have or almost have memorized all the scriptures I’m focusing on, word for word. At times, if it's a long scripture It’ll take me two weeks to memorize it, but it’s so worth it in the end. Trust me you’ll definitely feel accomplished when you’re able to recite the whole scripture, chapter and verse right then and there on the spot.

Thanks for reading!

Much love, Alex



Alexandria Cooper
Believers and Saints

Wife || Mama Bear & Self Help Fanatic! I write about Self Help, Christianity & Parenting.