Embracing Technology for Community and Connection: Lessons from the Past and Prospects for the Future

Adam Evers
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2023

As technology continues to evolve, its potential to foster community and connection within religious spaces is becoming more evident. From live-streamed services to faith-based apps like believr, the landscape of religious communication is changing. However, the journey towards embracing technology in religious spaces has not been without resistance, as evidenced by the history of adaptation and the slow uptake of the internet in its early days. In this article, we’ll explore how technology has transformed religious communities, drawing from recent research, and consider the potential impact of future innovations, such as artificial intelligence.

The relationship between religion and technology has been marked by both adaptation and resistance. While some religious institutions have been quick to embrace technological advancements, others have been more hesitant. One example of this slow embrace of technology can be seen in the early days of the Internet. A study by Paul DiMaggio and Christopher Fennell (2000) examined the factors affecting the adoption of the Internet among American congregations. They found that while some congregations were early adopters of Internet technology, many others were slow to embrace its potential for ministry and outreach, often due to a lack of resources or knowledge.

More recent research, such as the study by Heidi A. Campbell and Stephen Garner (2016) titled “Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture,” highlights the ongoing challenges and opportunities that religious institutions face in adapting to new technologies. The authors emphasize that religious leaders must be willing to critically engage with digital technology and its potential implications for their faith communities. This includes understanding how digital technology can both support and potentially undermine traditional religious practices and values (Campbell & Garner, 2016).

In recent years, religious institutions have made strides in harnessing the power of technology to build community and foster connections. Live streaming services, social media outreach, and faith-based apps are just a few examples of how technology has been integrated into religious spaces. One example is the development of the faith-based app, believr, which aims to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ Christians to connect and find community. Created by myself and Brandon Flanery, two gay Christians who experienced isolation and challenges in both religious and LGBTQ+ spaces, believr seeks to bridge the gap between these two communities, affirming the existence of LGBTQ+ Christians and providing a platform for connection and support.

As technology continues to advance, religious institutions will need to adapt and evolve to maintain their relevance and connection with their communities. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) offers potential opportunities for enhancing communication and fostering deeper connections within religious communities. Here are three examples of how AI can help the church:

  • Virtual pastoral care: AI-powered chatbots could provide support and guidance to individuals seeking spiritual counsel, answering questions, and offering encouragement based on the user’s needs and concerns.
  • Improved community engagement: AI algorithms can analyze data from social media and other online interactions to help religious leaders identify patterns, trends, and interests within their communities. This information can be used to tailor content and programming to better engage and serve their members.
  • Personalized spiritual growth: AI can help religious institutions create customized resources and spiritual growth opportunities that align with each individual’s unique interests and needs. This personalized approach can help foster deeper connections and spiritual growth within the community.

However, the integration of AI into religious spaces also raises ethical and theological questions that will need to be carefully considered by religious leaders. These may include concerns about data privacy, the potential for biased algorithms, and the implications of relying on AI for spiritual guidance.

As believers and religious leaders navigate the increasingly digital world, it is essential to maintain open communication, foster dialogue, and embrace the potential of technology to support and enhance religious communities. By doing so, we can work together to create a more inclusive, connected, and vibrant future for faith-based communities.

Embracing technology for community and connection is a critical task for religious institutions in the 21st century. By drawing lessons from the past, staying informed about current innovations, and considering the potential impact of future technologies like AI, religious communities can continue to evolve and maintain their relevance in an ever-changing world. The key is to approach these challenges and opportunities with open-mindedness, humility, and a commitment to serving the spiritual needs of our diverse communities.


Campbell, H. A., & Garner, S. (2016). Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture. Baker Academic.

DiMaggio, P., & Fennell, C. (2000). The Internet and American Congregations: Adoption and Adaptation. American Congregations, Volume 1.



Adam Evers

Just a guy, trying to make the world a better place than he found it. ❤️: ☕️, 🥓, people, gifs and 👬. Head of Marketing @tierion. Previously @dropbox @sprinklr