3 easy steps to Monetize your LIVE

Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2018

If you’ve been doing live stream or video marketing and have not earned anything, this is the post that you need to read. Molly Mahoney aka The Prepared Performer and also one of our very own hosts at BeLive, tells you how you can start monetizing your live stream in 3 easy steps.

Have a Billboard

People need to know where they can find you. In the ideal world, people will just be able to find you based on how awesome you are or how helpful your information is but sadly, with so many information tossed out on the internet, your information might get buried under a pile of cute cat videos that go viral as soon as they go online. This is where having a billboard matter.

You need to let people know where you are and where they can catch you. They need to know where you will be at a given time so they know when they need to set aside time for you, your show, and your content.

Samples of having a billboard are speaking engagements, networking events, a conference you may attend or even parties. Blog posts are also a great way to let people know where to find you. Big crowd or small, let people know where they can find you.

Ready your Box Office

Nothing comes for free all the time. It’s good to share information but for heavy duty tips or things that could truly help someone, you shouldn’t be shy about asking them to pay for the services you offer. As long as the services you give them helps them and addresses a certain need, feel free to put up a sales page or give out a Paypal.me link so they know where they can send the payments.

Deliver your Goods

Now that you’ve asked people to pay you for the goods you deliver, make sure that you give them something to keep them coming back for more. When people see and feel the benefits of something and it helps them, they will not hesitate to go back again and again to your services.

Create tutorials or coaching sessions, one on one or mini-conferences, any of these will do as long as you deliver something to your audience.

To know more about how you can monetize your live stream, watch the full show above.

If you would like to meet like-minded people and build a community, join our Discord Channel.

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.




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