5 Simple Yet Effective Tips to Maintain Good Work-Life Balance as an SMB

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4 min readAug 9, 2018

Last week, we gave out tips on how to strike a work life balance. This week, the BeLive Team decided to drill down and make it even more specific for the small and medium business owners because we know that juggling a business while doing live stream marketing can at times be a bit overwhelming.

Here are a few tips from Molly Mahoney, our Camera Confidence show, on how you can balance things between work and life.

Now here are 5 more tips.


Sometimes, you think that you need to do everything by yourself to make sure that everything is done right. However, this is a definite guarantee that you will not have a balanced work-life and you will experience burnout very soon.

Learn to delegate and assign small/minor tasks if you are not yet too confident about the skills of the people who work for you. You can assign a lot of the admin work that goes with maintaining your business so you can focus more on content for your live stream marketing. You can also assign social media postings since this is one task that can be time consuming.

Do not fear loss of control. You are actually empowering someone by letting them help you. At the same time, you are empowering yourself to do more and be more so you can create better content for your live stream marketing. Here’s an example of something you can do.

Other tasks that you can assign would be sending out of newsletters, maintenance of your business website, creation and sending out of promo materials, dataentry, paying of bills, deliverie, and the like. These are all minor tasks that when you put together, eats up a lot of your time.

Create a BCP

Creating a business continuity plan is a must if you would like to maintain a work life balance even when you are a business owner. A business continuity plan or BCP allows your business to run even in cases of emergency and avoid mistakes.

You also give your staff the know how of what to do in certain situations without having to call you every minute to check on what their next steps should be. Your staff should know the emergency protocols they need to execute to ensure that things are handled immediately and professionally before they inform you of the emergency situation that transpired.

It shows your customers that you know what you are doing as a business owner because your staff has been taught the right way to handle things. This builds confidence in your business and allows you to have a life outside of your business. Other mistakes you also need to avoid to ensure success can be found here.

Say NO after business hours

Regardless if its a text, email, tweet, DM, PM, or call about your business, do not answer it if it’s after office hours. You need to disconnect to be more productive as well as to avoid telepressure. If you are constantly on your phone answering these things, when will you be present in your personal life? Learn to set boundaries.

This is also necessary when you schedule your live stream marketing. Having a pre-arranged schedule tells people when to expect you to be live and then they can set aside time to watch it. If you do things at random and only when able, people will not know when to expect you to go live and they will lose interest.

It’s also important to take a break from your screen or you might suffer from screen fatigue and other body balance problems that won’t be of help to you. Molly Mahoney had a guest who helped her out with this and here’s the video below.

Automate automate automate

Since you handle a business, automating what you can will definitely work to your advantage. If you cannot afford to hire people, then this is the next best option for you to have a life outside of your business.

Automation also allows you to ensure you never neglect a customer. When they send out a message, you can set it up that it automatically goes to your priority list that you can check once you are back in your office. You can make use of a chatbot and this allows you to create an immediate response so that your customers know that their inquiry has been received and will be responded to within a certain amount of time. This sets expectations with the people around you.

Utilize Cloud and Google Drive

One of the main problems of business owners is where to store their data. Laptops or desktops are sometimes not enough and upgrading incurs cost. These are actually unnecessary costs because you have the Cloud or Google Drive at the tip of your hands.

When you use Cloud or Google Drive, you can move files, photos, documents, videos, and even notes. You also save money since you don’t need to rent storage or upgrade anything. Lastly, you can access your files anywhere as long as you have your phone with you and an internet access.

If you are able to do all these, you can balance maintaining a business and having a personal life at the same time. You owe it to yourself and to your customers to be the best version of you and this all starts if you take care of yourself first. For your live streaming needs, let us take care of it for you.

Want to connect with other small business owners who are kicking ass using Facebook Live to promote their business? Join our 7000+ community using BeLive.

***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.




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