Welcomes Mari Smith!

Tessa Gallagher
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2017 Appoints Mari Smith, Facebook Marketing Expert To Their Brand Ambassador Team

We are delighted to announce that Mari Smith (, who we are sure many of you will know is an authority in Facebook marketing and a world renowned social media thought leader, will now be working with as an brand ambassador.

Mari will be providing strategic consulting to support our marketing and business as we move into our next phase of growth.

Mari has almost twenty years of experience as a strategic business development consultant with the last ten being particularly focused on Facebook marketing.

Daniel Mayer, co-founder and CEO of, commented, “Mari has been an active user of for many months which has allowed us to get to know each other. I know she is keen to help SMBs be successful in using Facebook Live an easy to use and interactive experience which is also our goal at I look forward to working with Mari in the months ahead and we will be sharing more in the forthcoming weeks about some of the ways we plan to collaborate together.”

Please join us in welcoming Mari to the family.

