BeLiver Feature, John and Nadya Melton: Power Couple Who Use Live Video to Build Their Brand and Business
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2019

Have you ever felt the need to take a vacation from your life? Have you ever wanted to have a business that you can enjoy from the comforts of your home? Have you ever wished that you could set a business with your partner and enjoy life together, earning money, while staying at home?

If you have ever dreamed of any of this and I’m sure that at some point, we all have, then it’s time to read this article to start your year right.

This week, we are featuring power couple consultants John and Nadya Melton who host their own live streaming show using BeLive. Read on to know how you can be like them.

Tell us something about yourselves.

We are John and Nadya Melton, proud parents of two beautiful children, business coaches, and entrepreneurs. We help online entrepreneurs and network marketers build their brand, develop their business, increase their reach, and create a life they don’t need a vacation from!

Why did you guys go into video marketing or live streaming?

Several years ago, we were struggling with our business. We were working 80+ hours a week each, we were driving all over town, and we were never seeing our children. So at some point, we decided that enough was enough — there had to be a better way of building your brand and business!

That’s when we turned to video marketing, and it changed everything! Now, we are:

  • Building a strong following of 100,000+ across several social media platforms
  • Spending 80% of our time working from home;
  • Earning a 7-figure income!

What has been the biggest impact of live streaming in your life?

Live streaming has been so effective, and ever since we started going Live, we’ve seen some amazing results!

Because of Live streaming, we’ve had the ability to:

  • Build a deeper connection with our audience
  • Grow our following exponentially with 10X our results!
  • We went from belly-to-belly to belly-to-many!

How has BeLive as a platform helped you?

BeLive has been the cherry on top of our branding cake!

Several years ago, we had no idea why personal branding was so important. But ALL of the experts out there seemed to have the same opinion: we should do it. So we decided to #OBEY, and do as we’re told. We’re so glad that we did because it turned our whole business around!

It’s so important to understand that creating and maintaining a brand is an ongoing process. It’s something that requires for you to be consistent with what you do and to show up again and again. That’s why we’ve loved using BeLive!

Two features, in particular, have helped us the most:

1: Scheduling a Post — this has been a game changer! The fact that we can schedule our broadcasts and set reminders directly on our Business Page, along with the option of using keywords, has been amazing! It revolutionized the way we optimize our Live streams!

2: Adding Custom Frames — we’ve been able to add our very own touch on each of our Live broadcasts and that has done wonders for our brand! It’s elevating our presence and giving us online cred!

How are you promoting your product or service on your BeLive shows?

We run a couple of businesses simultaneously, so we have different strategies for each. For our network marketing business — we never do direct promotion and for our coaching business, we only do it about 20% of the time, as our main strategy is attraction marketing. That means always coming up with relevant topics to talk about and special guests to interview.

Having fun while working.

What we use BeLive for is to broadcast:

  • Live shows (we have a weekly Monday show, along with other broadcasts)
  • Interviews with other influencers
  • Interviews with members of our community.

How many times do you use BeLive to promote your business/organization?

A lot of our students are in network marketing and what we teach them is to stick to curiosity posts and the 80/20 Rule.

Fact of the matter is, you shouldn’t just create content, but rather curiosity. Use what we call The Movie Preview Method. What do you see in movie trailers? Enough information to pique your curiosity and excitement but never the ending. That’s how your Social Media feed should look like!

And what about the 80/20 Rule? It means that 80% of your content should be generic or what we call non-commission-based. For example, you can share about your kids, about your lifestyle, about your inspirations and aspirations, etc. And then only 20% of the time, you can casually mention what you do. It works like a charm!

Which BeLive feature do you think has helped you achieved the results for your business?

We’ve loved using the comments on the screen, scheduling of broadcasts, and custom frames!

They’ve definitely boosted our engagement and solidified our brand.

By scheduling broadcasts in advance, we’ve been able to promote them more efficiently and to ensure that more people join them. What has been really amazing is that people are reaching out to us to ask us how they, too, can add custom frames to their Lives! Using BeLive has been not only effective but also so much fun!

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.



Platform that allows live streamers to have a professional looking talk show on Facebook and Twitch in a snap.