Benefits of using BeLive’s LIVE POLL on your Facebook Live shows
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3 min readOct 18, 2018

Would you like to boost interaction and engagement without having to create more work for yourself? We mean having to shoot extra videos or paying for Facebook ads. If you answered yes, then it’s time you start utilizing live polls.

BeLive recently rolled out the live poll function on their platform which allows BeLivers to run a live poll WHILE they’re doing their live show. Amazing right? Even better, you can run multiple live polls, one after the other, to constantly engage your viewers and truly make them feel that they have a voice and you are listening.

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Polls can now be created and presented from BeLive studio where live audience can now vote as part of Facebook native functionality (Desktop / Mobile) Polls can be presented in any of the BeLive layouts! Polls can also serve as Quiz! We’ve added the ability to indicate correct answer (quiz) so this should make things a lot more fun.

Feel your Audience without Intruding

One of the things that live streamers want to do is know what their audience wants. However, when you ask a direct question, chances are big that you won’t get an answer. People will feel that you are intruding on their life and no one wants that. With polls, you can easily gauge what they want, how they feel, and what they are looking for in your shows without overstepping any boundaries.

With BeLive Live Polls, you can have as many live polls as you want on a single show and just pop it right there one after the other. Remember though that the option to do simultaneous polls is not yet available as of the moment. Live Polls give you an insight in the easiest way possible.

People like to participate.

In case you haven’t noticed, people actually like giving their inputs, opinions, and thoughts on things. This is why surveys are still done, polls are still answered, and online quizzes remain abundant.

People want to participate. They love it! If your live show is able to give them the chance to make a stand, give out their opinion, and help in finalizing a choice, it’s guaranteed that engagement will increase.

How it looks when voting has ended

On social media, everyone has a voice and they are not afraid to use it. Polls give them a chance to do that without having to do more than just a single click. In a world where people prefer to do things in a hurry, a live poll fits the bill.

KISS — Keeping it Simple and Sweet

Live Polls are meant to give you a quick glimpse of what the audience wants. When you have simple live polls, people will be inclined to answer it. After all, it takes one click. Unlike surveys where they need to type the answers, this one requires only one step or two at most to get their voice counted.

At our recent celebration of the BeLive birthday, we had our very own Live Poll where we asked what is the best BeLive format. It was fun, easy, and short.

What do you think will be your first live poll on your BeLive show? Let us know. We’d love to hear about it.

Also, don’t forget to join our 7000+ community of content creators who are using BeLive to know how they plan to maximize the live poll.

***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.



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