Facebook Ads Secrets That Will Explode Your LIVE Video Growth!

Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2019

You could be live streaming about an interest, a hobby, a passion, a cause, or your small business. Whatever your reason is, you have a primary goal and that is to bring people into the experience. You want to get the right viewers to show up on your live stream. However, you also need to remember your replay viewers. This is where Facebook Ads come into play.

Live Video Growth Coach Owen Video and Facebook Ads Expert Amanda Robinson (The Digital Gal) are going to share some HOT Facebook Ads Secrets!


Facebook Ads help to strengthen the things that you are already doing when you do your live shows. This means that if you are just starting out, you might not want to be engaged with Facebook Ads right off the bat.

If you have your Facebook Messenger bots in place, you have people commenting, sharing, liking your show, then you are already making a splash in the organic world. This makes it easier for you to re-target using Facebook Ads. Think of it as using Facebook Ads to magnify that splash you made and turn it into a tsunami.

If you have a post or video that seems to be performing better than your other posts, you can choose that post and highlight it with an ad. You can now easily re-target the people who have liked, shared, or comment as well as their network and turn fans into followers and followers into customers.

The more times you keep delivering quality posts and videos, the more times you are able to get their interest, the more chance that you can close that sale.

Digital Gal, Amanda Robinson

The higher your momentum, the lower your ad cost. After all, you can’t add fuel to a fire that is not burning. — Amanda Robinson


One of the things you need to remember when you are doing ads is to always strike a balance. When you are serving ads, one of the biggest mistake that you can commit is to bombard your audience with ads. The other mistake is to serve too little. Ideally, you can target a balance between 10–20 impressions per user according to Retargeter.

When you are re-marketing, you leverage your posts that gained a lot of momentum. You build your brand, you show it via IG stories, you turn it into a blog posts, and the possibilities become endless. The good thing when you do a live stream via BeLive is that it allows you to have an easier time of re-marketing your live shows into other platforms.

BeLive has an agenda feature which you can utilize to remind you of what topic you should be discussing at certain points of your live show. This in turn will help remind you of what part of the live show you need to repurpose. No more wasted time watching the whole show because you know exactly what you are looking for.

To learn more on how you can better do re-marketing and re-targeting so you can get that increased commitment, watch this awesome video below.

If you would like to learn more tips, join our 8000+ community of content creators who are using BeLive.

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.




Platform that allows live streamers to have a professional looking talk show on Facebook and Twitch in a snap.