How to be a Great Live Stream Host
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2018

Today, two of the greatest LIVE Stream show hosts, — Live Video Growth Coach Owen Video and Andrew Haley come together to share some essential tips for becoming an amazing LIVE Stream HOST and also share ways to enhance the look of your BeLive show!

BeLive already takes care of making your Facebook and Twitch show look good and professional. Now, you just need to focus on becoming a great live stream host to make your shows more interesting and entertaining.

Do your Homework

You need to do your part of checking the background of your guest and what the topic is about so you can ask the right question and make things more interesting for yourself, your guest, and the viewers.

Segment your Show

It can differ from person to person when it comes to how long a live stream will be. Make sure that you choose a length of time for your show that you are personally comfortable with. To help you out, make sure that you segment your show so that you can transition from one topic to the next without sounding long winding or boring. Segmenting your show keeps things interesting.

Be open to Restructuring

Your vision and what attracts your audience the most may differ a little bit so you need to be open to tweaking your shows to make it a bit more interesting to your audience. Feedback is always important so flexibility and being open to doing a few changes and restructuring helps ensure that you keep your show as interesting as possible.

How can I make the next show better?

Continue answering this question after every show. This is how you can continuously improve your show. It could be the sound effects, it could be your segment openers, graphics, background, costume, props, content, guest, or something as small as your opening spiel. Whatever it may be, just make sure that your show keeps moving forward.

Learn from the mistakes. Lessen the uhms and dead moments. Take note of what resonates with the audience. Take note of what may have sparked negativity and learn to stay away from it. Every single live stream is a learning opportunity to be better so take advantage of it.

There’s still at least 5 tips that you need to know so make sure you check out the full video below.

If you would like to learn more tips, join our 8000+ community of content creators who are using

***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.



Platform that allows live streamers to have a professional looking talk show on Facebook and Twitch in a snap.