How to Create Content that doesn’t Cannibalize your Sales
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3 min readDec 13, 2018

Have you ever given away so much information on a video that you ended up not making a sale? Have you ever laid out the step by step process of one of your services so much so that no one felt the need to get you to do it because they already know how to, all thanks to you!

You are cannibalizing your sales and you don’t even realize it. Luckily, we have Molly Mahoney to teach you how you can create content that doesn’t cannibalize your sales.

Teach what, not how.

When you do your live show, you can go ahead and teach people what they need to do but do not show them how you do it. You can give a few steps but let your audience know that there are more ways to get information on how they can do things. You need to plant the seed in their mind that if they buy into what you are offering, they will be able to experience and maximize the full effect of the service you provide.

Create value based videos.

You can do screen sharing so you can easily share things with your viewers.

If all you do is sell on your videos, no one will watch you. You can sell but not all the time. You also need to create value-based videos to help strengthen your community and build your creativity.

You need to strike a perfect balance between giving value for free but also for making them want to have more, thus, buying into your product. — Molly Mahoney

People pay for organized content.

In today’s time and age, every kind of information is already available on the net. You might think, why would people still want to buy what I have to offer?

Molly showed how to do chat bots LIVE.

Guess what? People pay for organized content. People are okay to pay with information that is already sorted out for them. People pay to have information that is already in order and they just need to follow it. After all, most people do not want to be the one to get things in order especially with the amount of information that is already available on the internet.

Molly still have so many more hints to give out so make sure to catch the complete video below.

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.



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