How to Speak with Confidence and Excitement on Your Live Stream
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3 min readDec 7, 2018

Whether you have have been live streaming for a long time or this is your first attempt at doing live stream, speaking with confidence and excitement is something that you need to learn. It is something we need to get into place, learn how to walk with confidence, go live with confidence, and rework those muscles time and time again.

Molly Mahoney of The Prepared Performer, is our Twitch show host for How to Monetize your Live and this week, she teaches you how to speak with confidence and excitement.

There are a lot of tips shared in Molly’s Twitch Show and here are some of it.

People People People

When you start to ask yourself why should people listen to you and you feel vulnerable, remind yourself “people people people.” You need to remember that you are all on the same page.

You are a person. Your listeners are also just people. There is nothing to fear because at the end of the day, you are all people who make mistakes and learn from it.

Tap into your Quesadilla of Awesome

Take everything you know that is amazing about the content that you will be sharing on your live stream and then remember that you are human. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to be a person and just talk to the people who will be watching who are also human.

If it helps, make a list of 20 things that make you an awesome person to remind you why you should do your live stream and present what you have to people.

Get a Magic Feather

Find an object that will serve as your talisman of sorts. Just like Dumbo had his magic feather to help him to fly, you can have your very own version of a magic feather to give you more confidence when you go live. It can be an actual feather of your own, a pendant, a charm bracelet, a figurine of your favorite athlete or what not. It can be anything that holds a deeper meaning for you but make sure you have a magic feather to remind you that you can fly.

Think of Grandma

Think of someone in your life who loves you purely. If the only person watching your live stream is that person, how would you do your live stream? This is the best way for you to be natural and real in your live stream because you are going to be at your most comfortable if you are talking to the person who loves you purely.

To know more tips, click on the video below to unlock more awesomeness.

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Writer.



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