How to Use BeLive for Your Business

Nichelle Dizon
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2018

Are you a small business owner who wants to expand and build your business online?

Have you always wanted to try Facebook Live because you see a lot of businesses doing it?

Perhaps you have heard so many success stories of businesses who have used Facebook Live and have grown their business. If this is the case, you’ve made the right choice in choosing to explore live streaming in marketing your business!

Today, live streaming is a proven way on how you can build your business in all areas. Not only can you monetize your live streams, but you will also build lasting relationships with your audience.

To help you get started streaming your business live, here are some excellent tips from the #BestofBeLive show hosts Ross Brand and Rachel Moore.

Show and tell

If your business has a product, it’s not enough that you mention it on your broadcast. You should actually show it to your viewers in front of the camera.

Showing the physical product on camera is powerful, and it helps builds trust to your audience which is an effective way of leading them to buy from you.

Showing the product in front of them validates the item while you show live how it is used along with all the useful features.

Build a portfolio

Can you think of a product you’ve seen live? How was it?

When you start to engage your product or service in the online world, it’s basically about time and rapport. You provide value and build relationships first.

When it comes to start building a portfolio, going live is a great way of doing it because you can repurpose the content you have created.

You can download your video right after and embed it on your YouTube Channel or website. Through this, you are opening ways on how to be found. People will know about your work and recommend you. People will start searching for you.

When your audience watches your live streams, they will assess whether you are someone they would like to work with or not.

Tell your success stories

Telling stories through interviews is another powerful way of selling your product or service. Tell your success stories through your customers. Let them be the star of the show. Interview somebody who has tried your product or service and ask them about their experience. By interviewing someone, it helps answer the question what their challenges were which led them to approach you and try your product or service and how it helped them.

What’s good about doing an interview is that you’re getting an unscripted testimonial.

There’s nothing wrong with written testimonials but getting to hear it from someone saying it live on how it helped them is a huge factor. People get to see how you handle a customer real time and how you react to their questions. The actions and the emotions shown by the person interviewed has a powerful impact on the audience., Business owners should be taking advantage of this and make it work to their favor. You’ll be amazed on what great content you can get from your customers.

Online reviews like this help people decide if they will try and buy. If the customer doesn’t want to go live, perhaps they can instead do a recording on how your product or service changed their life.

What if my business is a service?

  • Talk about what you know and when people need help in that area, they will contact you. Examples of this are coaches, consultants, agencies, law firms.
  • Interview your employees or have them come on your live stream. It will let people know who they can expect to meet when they go into the store.
  • Show them how friendly your sales associates are or introduce to them who designed the product or anything relevant that makes your business special. Directly hearing these perspective helps show off your company culture too.

Have you heard the news lately? is now a Facebook Live Video Solutions Partner! This means that is one of the recognized companies that provide Facebook Live tools and solutions used by top media companies worldwide. It also means that you need to watch out for more surprises from the platform in the future.

You can also learn more about the announcement here:

Want to get more tips on how to go live for your business? Watch the full show here:

Make sure to tune in to #BestofBeLive with Ross Brand and Rachel Moore every Tuesday to know how you can be the best at BeLive.

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Nichelle Dizon

A writer for, content creator, photographer, and a servant of God