Twitch Diary, Day 2:
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

The BeLive Team was headed to San Jose Convention for Day 1 of Twitch 2018 and they were off to a memorable start. Perhaps due to the excitement of Day 1, as well as the lack of coffee, but Day 2 started off as a comedy of errors.

The BeLive Team had to go back to their Air BnB because some of the BeLivers left their badges and when they got back, the line seemed never ending. It started to feel like no one could get in anymore but thankfully, the people that attended DevDay had a different entrance and could enter the Convention Center immediately.

After, they finally got coffee.

After coffee, things started becoming awesome again for the BeLive team. We streamed on our Twitch BeLive channel during TwitchCon. We got 9 concurrent viewers in one of the streams which are pretty amazing for a new channel.

We now have 19 followers! We only had 3 followers on Day 1. We did dozens of demos with streamers all around the world without a booth. We just picked an awesome table!

The general consensus: Streamers loved how it easy it was to do a talk show on Twitch!

Our next goal is to improve the stream at TwitchCon with a better mic and internet. Our goal is to reach both people offline through the demos and online through our stream in the Special Events category.

More importantly, we had tons of valuable insights that can help us improve our BeLive beta for Twitch which really matters to us because that’s what BeLive is all about.



Platform that allows live streamers to have a professional looking talk show on Facebook and Twitch in a snap.