Women of BeLive shares Tips for Living a Balanced Life #IWD

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7 min readMar 8, 2019

It’s March which means it’s International Women’s Month. We at BeLive are so lucky to be working at a company that honors women and values everyone in the workforce. Respect is a big thing at BeLive and we all support each other regardless of sex or race. This is what makes BeLive awesome inside and out.

In line with the theme of International Women’s Month which is #BalanceforBetter, we decided to ask some of the amazing employees of BeLive on how they strike a balance for better when it comes to their work life or personal life and we got some interesting answers.

Let’s all get to know the fabulous women of BeLive and what they do to balance for better.

Kate, Social Media Manager

As a person, I strive for balance in all aspects of my life by making sure to take care of both my physical and mental needs. Eating healthy and exercising is only part of it. It’s important to let my mind have “down-time.” I volunteer, do art and crafts, and cuddle with my cat.

Lera, Customer Support Manager

If you think of balance as successfully juggling things, that’s a photo of me dropping everything (with a smile on my face, yes!).

As a manager, I always try to find a balance between working and friendly relationships with my co-workers and teammates. Since it’s an unspoken rule of the whole company, this is how we make our workplace a better and more pleasant place to work at.

When it comes to personal life, I’m striving to find balance between life and work and make sure to spend as much time outside of work as working. I guess, the main idea here is to pay a fair amount of attention to your important people (your family, your partner, and your friends) but at the same time do not sacrifice your interests and wishes. That’s one of the reasons why my schedule is usually packed with different morning and evening activities like language classes, gym, and cinema.

To balance this kind of active schedule on weekdays, I always allow myself to sleep without the alarm clock on weekend and do not plan anything in the mornings.

Again, balancing does not always work, but we are all here to learn, right? Just remember that you will be able to balance the world only after you balance yourself. So, go and treat yourself to something nice.

Irene, Marketing Manager

Having a balanced life is pretty challenging when you’re a first-time mom but I work on it every day. I start my day with writing a journal and drinking a cup of coffee in silence.

I also go to the gym three times a week with my husband, and I try to practice Yoga as much as I can. I recently added archery to my weekly “me time.” I find that it’s a very relaxing and active sports at the same time.

I’m so lucky because I work remotely and have a flexible schedule. BeLive is such an amazing place to work, and I work hard every day to keep improving.

Nini, Talent and Show Manager

As a person, I strive to balance my work by making sure I prioritize first the difficult or immediate tasks and I do the easier tasks at a later time. I see to it that I follow my scheduled work hours so that I won’t overwork myself and make sure to deliver fresh ideas.

I work with marketing so the workplace really matters because we need to express creative ideas. I work from home and I work on any part of the house where my mood takes me. I tag along not just my laptop but also a lightweight table and computer chair so that I can maintain the right posture while working.

I also love staying at coffee shops because of the ambiance it brings. When I am not working, I’m most likely traveling to places I’ve never been to because I love the adventure that comes along with it. I also spend loads of my time doing lots of activities during the weekend. It could be meeting up with friends, serving communities, or eating great food with my family. These are the things that I do to maintain my balance with work and life.

Kathy, Content Manager

Before I started working for BeLive, I had no concept of work life balance. Work was my life and I always felt like I was a mouse trapped inside a spinning wheel.

When I started working at BeLive, I learned how it was to balance for better and I couldn’t be any happier. I finally learned how to maximize my productivity and work hours. I also have more time now to spend with my son and help him with his schoolwork.

At nights when I am off work, I update my personal blog which I’ve had for 13 years and I either shoot videos for my YouTube channel or learn to doodle and do diamond painting. On weekends, I no longer open emails or Slack and just focus on having a down time. I spend time with my family or partner if I’m not catching up on the latest Kdrama.

Olena, Customer Support Agent

Nowadays it’s so difficult to find a balance in life. Should I work and build my career, or should I give it up and enjoy every day on a desert island and do nothing but catch the rays of the sunshine?

Balance at work, balance at home, balance in mind! To find it, I focus on the pillars which make me feel like I am a person who is living life! The main among them are happiness, love, and fulfillment.

When am I happy? When I see new places, meet new people, take pictures, eat ice-cream, do some crazy things with my friends… My point is I know what makes me happy! It works the same way for love — I love my boyfriend, my family, my friends and I know that if I find some time for these people during the week I’ll feel much better, just because they give me something that can’t be counted in dollars, this feeling of caring and warm glow inside!

At the same time I know that I won’t be happy without having something that I can put the effort to, something challenging and interesting, that's why I have my work which makes me feel like I do something that can help me to become a better person and earn enough to have my dreams come true!

Is it easy to find that golden mean? No! Is it worth it to spend the whole life to find it? Definitely, yes! That why after waking up I ask myself the only one question “What will make me happy today?” and then go for it!

Inga, Capsule Manager

I’m trying to balance my life but I sometimes fail and that is okay. Balance for better is all about the effort we take to balance things out. The one thing I like that I manage to do though is to stay hydrated and do workouts. I also never sacrifice even a minute of sleep.

Molly, BeLive Ambassador

For me… the toughest struggle has been balancing my burning desire to build a business that makes a huge impact on the world with my desire have time to dedicate to my kiddos and husband.

It can be so easy to say yes to amazing business opportunities and not realize that you’ve booked yourself solid with no time to see your kiddos much less take a breath… of you know … oxygen. Haha! #notkidding

The biggest shift for me was getting the “big rocks” in my calendar first. AND, that for me, that starts with family and self care. THEN, business and the impact we can make on the world.

It seems that the women of BeLive are as well rounded as can be. They may have different passions that they pursue outside the workplace but at they end of the day, they all have one thing in common. They are women who work on their passions and they do not let anything hinder them from success.

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***This article is written by Kathy Kenny Ngo, BeLive’s Content Manager.




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