[XRCLOUD] Creating Dynamic Spaces for Individuals — CNU Metaverse MySpace Case

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4 min readApr 19, 2024

Hello. It’s been a while, and today I’m excited to share a technological development case using XRCLOUD. This feature, not yet applied to our service servers, has been first implemented in the Metaverse at Chonnam National University, our partner.

It is expected to be applied to the XRCLOUD service by next month. The example I’ll introduce today uses XRCLOUD to provide template spaces to users, where they can decorate these spaces and display different objects or link to websites when clicked. This allows interaction with existing web-based information infrastructures from within the Metaverse by clicking on 3D objects.

First, let me briefly show you a video.

Here’s an implementation case at Chonnam National University’s MySpace using XRCLOUD.

You might think this technology is nothing special, but I will explain how XRCLOUD can be sequentially used to implement such services.

Dynamically Delivering Information to the Metaverse

You’ll notice that the space connection URL appears after a brief delay in the video. This delay occurs as the CNU Metacity retrieves the necessary URL from XRCLOUD. When requesting this URL, information about the avatar and dynamic transformation of objects in the space are also retrieved.

  • Avatar Information Transfer: If we previously sent avatars using the GET method, this time, avatar and connection information are transmitted when calling the getROOM API. This URL expires after a certain period.
  • Dynamic Object Change Using an Empty Frame: Previously, I showed you how users could change images or 3D files via the media frame. Now, only through the API can objects be added or removed, using the new Spoke assets created by XRCLOUD to change objects when calling the getRoom API.
new Asset(empty Frame) by BELIVVR for dyanmic object chage
asset’s name is used key when change object
curl -X POST https://xrcloud.app:4000/api/v2/hubs/{Room ID} \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJyZXQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3NzM5MTMsImlhdCI6MTcwOTUxNjMxMywiaXNzIjoicmV0IiwianRpIjoiNmU1YzEzYWUtODFkMS00MjUyLTg5MjYtM2NlODJhYTAxNWQ4IiwibmJmIjoxNzA5NTE2MzEyLCJzdWIiOiIxNzAxODI3MTk5Njk2MzcxNzE0IiwidHlwIjoiYWNjZXNzIn0.2T9JWlCeLkrIvGOww3ThhLB5v1llwMNmWzqKrEEnKVrJRiy8_RqBmG8QaYgCAMDrns9ADcGyU13YeyJf2LSxoQ" \
-d '{ "file": "https://xrcloud.app/files/7e23ec69-b064-4e4e-b9a8-e92644770b6c.glb", "objectName": "Empty Frame 1" }'

At CNUMeversity, objects are changed to medals reflecting academic excellence upon connection.

student’s indivual medal object

Delivering Information to the Inline View Page of the Metaverse

  • Now that you know how to input data into the Metaverse, I’ll explain how to transfer information when opening a side view in the Metaverse space. This allows handling of different link pages for each user. Typically, when clicking the board in MySpace, it displays my schedule.
student’s indivual time schedule
  • This is also simpler than you might think. When you send the necessary information in the payload via the getRoom API, the inline View asset opens the page with the payload included. The recipient then processes the payload for security and user identification, tailoring the response accordingly. Below is an example.
⬆️ Normal use case for call url
⬆️ payload usecase

I am posting to share an implementation case of MySpace. Typically, MySpace provides a template space that users can decorate. Now, data can be preloaded and transmitted to open the desired page, allowing for a closer integration between websites and the Metaverse, which is a distinctive feature of XRCLOUD. This enables limitless applications and the ability to freely connect any web service with XRCLOUD Metaverse.

Lastly, I will show you how to decorate a geeky room. As shown before, objects within the space can be permanently affixed with pins, with media frames particularly useful as frames or template objects.

XRCLOUD offers the best scalability when creating a Metaverse. I will continue to share more excellent features and cases soon. This function will be merged and made available to the general public on the product server by May.




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