Don’t Be Caught Up In The Attention Trap!

Bella Victor
Bella Victor
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2017
attention trap

How can you be of so much inspiration to many and your life is still the same?

Don’t be caught up in the attention trap!

A lot of men have fazed out because they got caught up in the attention trap. People will always praise you if you are doing something great but the day you stop succeeding or excelling they will mock life out of you…Lol!

This is not a joke but a very serious matter.

Don’t forget what got you there.

Always find time to refill. Don’t forget to do those things that got you there.

You were reading before you got there now you are not. I pity you.

You were praying before you got there now you are not. I pity you.

You were humble before you got there now you are not, I pity you.

You were committed and consistent with the little you have now that you have many you are not, I pity you.

My advice is simple. Take a time out and refill or you will die out.

Peace! ✌

Bella Victor



Bella Victor
Bella Victor

I am curious! Unrepentant Entrepreneur... Ex. Andela, Unilever, KPMG, Hexavia, Ringier, Anakle,