You Are Yet To Graduate— The Truth Behind Graduation

Bella Victor
Bella Victor
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

So you think you are a graduate? Let me ask what you think are the requirements to be a graduate? Passing all your exams by all means possible and throwing your graduation cap in the air only to grab someone else’s as gravity pulls it back? Is that it?

Hello graduate, graduation is beyond a ceremony, it’s the start of a mind shift — a movement into the mindset of responsibility and ownership.

I see many that have graduated from school but are yet to be graduates and I have seen many that are undergraduates or even school dropouts but they are the real graduates.

Its all about the MINDSET.

The mindset of responsibility and ownership.

If you call yourself a graduate but you find it difficult to look out for yourself not to talk of others, you need to find yourself another nickname. You are still waiting for your parents to give you direction in life on what to do and what not to do.

Let me ask you again. Are you a GRADUATE?

Graduation is not just stepping out of the four corners of the class room but instead stepping out of the box of dependency to the box of Independency.

All your life in school has been fill with instructions — attempt all question except №1 which is compulsory or answer 3 out of 5 questions. To an extent, there’s been a retraction on how much potential you can unleash but not this moment, not this time.

Now it’s time for your freedom.

I can see you smiling at the sound of freedom but you fail to understand that graduation is not freedom but responsibility.

Are you still smiling at the sound of responsibility? It’s difficult and demanding.

Are you sure you are a GRADUATE? I doubt you are.

It’s time to rethink graduation from being just a ceremony or event to a ritual that starts in the mind. Until you have that mindset of responsibility you are yet to graduate.

So, clear my doubts, are you really a graduate?

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Bella Victor
Bella Victor

I am curious! Unrepentant Entrepreneur... Ex. Andela, Unilever, KPMG, Hexavia, Ringier, Anakle,