Vita List: Top 10 Things You Can’t Miss in Spain

Bella Vita Travels
Bella Vita Travels
Published in
6 min readSep 19, 2016

If you’ve never been to Spain, or even if you have, there are certain experiences that are somewhat synonymous with the Spanish experience, or at least crucial to witness. However, when you’ve only got so much time or so many resources, in a country as exciting and interesting as Spain, sometimes it can be difficult to discern what is important and what can wait.

Fear not, we’ve got you!

This month we’ve been creating Vita Lists — the top ten most important things you need to do in each country we work with in the Mediterranean. This month: Spain. Check it out…

Visit L’Alhambra in Grenada

Alhambra is undoubtedly an essential pilgrimage to make while visiting Spain. A hark back to Moorish culture and architecture, it’s impossible to find another place like it. There’s a reason the flow of tourists is so prominent, and that’s because it’s an integral part of Spain’s history, and it’s an incredible one.

If you want an opportunity to experience the Alhambra in relative peace, consider going in the quieter months, or make sure to book a tour far in advance, so you can go early or late in the day when it tends to be less crowded.

Photo credit: Alhambra Investment Partners

See Gaudi’s Barcelona

Barcelona is Gaudi’s canvas — with his incredible work sprawling across the city. A true artistic mastermind, it’s hard not to be impressed by one of his buildings. Check out this guide to all of them, and you’ll quickly see that it’s hard to stumble on one and miss it.

Gaudi was a maverick, and it’s difficult to understand just how much so without witnessing his architectural feats across the city. Barcelona is brimming with with chic architecture and interesting things to see, but if you’re a lover of modern art, then make a pilgrimage across the city to see at least of a couple of his most famous works.

Tapas in Leon

It’s Spain, so of course tapas made the list, but why Leon? Well, honestly any of the cities offering Spain’s most renowned food style are going to be a safe bet, so long as you do your research beforehand. However, Leon stands apart as managing to smoothly assimilate the old traditional flavors and dishes with newer and more avant garde creations.

Leon has long had a reputation for a diverse range of incredible wine and for its creative and varied foodie culture. This means it’s the perfect setting for incredible gastronomic experiences.

Go to Ronda

Ronda is a city with a twist — situated in the Spanish province of Malaga; Ronda is charming, historical, and famous for its dramatic positioning. (It’s surrounded by mountains, luscious valleys and set above a scarily deep gorge.)

This town was a favourite of the romantics, and it’s understandable why — it’s one of the most beautiful and unique cities you’ll ever get a chance to witness, and it’s brimming with things to get the creative juices flowing. If you’re there, there are so many things you shouldn’t miss, but none more so than the bridge — offering a truly breath-taking panoramic of the city and surrounding landscape.

Photo credit: Trip Advisor

Experience Flamenco in Seville

Photo credit: Sevilla Flamenco

Much like Tapas, no list of Spain’s most integral experiences would be complete without witnessing traditional flamenco first-hand somewhere. If you’re going to do something, you should do it right, and Seville is world-renowned for having a legendary flamenco scene.

We recommend Museo del Baile Flamenco, for those of you who want to learn more about its origins as you get to witness it, or perhaps Los Gallos if you want to witness traditional flamenco at an authentic Spanish institution.

Hike Sierra Nevada

Situated in southern Spain, the Sierra Nevada is an extensive mountain range and national park — with its highest point reaching 3478 metres above sea level, you know that the mountaintop views are incredible.

Because of Sierra Nevada’s incredible placement, you will find stunning and dramatic views whichever direction you look. There are so many different trails you can take, so regardless of your fitness level or time constraints there will be something on offer that allows you to enjoy the area.

Alternatively, you partake in a slightly faster mode of transport and ski down the magnificent slopes — sure, it’s not for the faint hearted, but it does have the best skiing Spain has to offer, and it is a lot of fun.

Take part in La Tomatina

La Tomatina isn’t for everyone, but it is an unforgettable experience, and it is something that everyone should at least witness once in their lifetime. If you’re unfamiliar with La Tomatina, it’s an annual festival held in the Valencian town of Buñol. Participants throw copious amounts of tomatoes at one another for approximately an hour.

Thanks to the revelry surrounding the world’s biggest food fight, Buñol is always brimming with people from every corner of the world, so the town is alive with action — even if you don’t get access to highly coveted festival spots, then you can find fun and fiesta wherever you go.

Photo credit: La Tomatina

Paella in Valencia

Because you just have to, sure it’s a little cliché, but there’s a reason for that. Paella is such a cultural institution in Spain, and it’s important to do it right — Valencia is definitely a safe bet. The dish itself has roots in the beautiful eastern Spanish city, so you know they take it seriously.

If you want to find the perfect paella, make sure to steer clear of any chain establishments — as they have a tendency to cut corners by offering a frozen variation. La Riua is a family run Valencian institution, and you can’t go wrong with anything Restaurant Levante offers.

Catch a soccer game

Even if it’s not your team, your sport, or even your past-time, there’s no denying that Spanish football is legendary worldwide, and there’s nothing quite like witnessing it firsthand. It’s hard not to have fun when standing among thousands of excited spectators with contagious elation.

As it is Spain’s national sport, and thus one of the things they’re most passionate about, the energy of Spanish football fans is almost palpable. Plus, unless you’re looking to go to certain high profile games, it’s actually not that expensive. This means that even if the beautiful game isn’t your favorite, it’s still an undoubtedly magical way to spend 90 minutes or so of your vacation. If you are lucky enough, grab tickets for the rival match between AC Madrid and AC Barcelona!

Everything the Spanish do, from their food to their art to their football, is done with passion and love. This makes it the perfect vacation spot to re-energize and revitalize. Whatever you do in Spain, it’s hard not to have fun, but consider checking out these important experiences to find out what Spain’s really about.

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