Documenting, Living, Trying


Bella L
My Notes


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Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I think it’s all luck and circumstances in the ultimate sense. I didn’t choose to have certain traits or characteristics. And even if I did, something prior prompted me to arrive at that choice. Like a series of dominoes toppling over one another. Through countless iterations. Endless spirals.

As I get older and come across more things and people, I see how great the gap is in pretty much any avenue of life.

In an alternate universe, I would have been born as someone else. Or something else.

As inhabitants on this rock, it would be a rosy picture to think that we will all make it. But not all of us will make it. Some will perish and their legacies will not continue. Some will thrive and feast and live on through thousands of copies of their extended selves.

But whether one perishes back to nothingness or lives on to be immortal is not down to one’s own doing. All prior causes have led to this exact moment. And they too will lead to more exact moments in the near and the far future.

University is a melting pot. It’s through such a melting pot that one sees life for what it is. The dichotomy and the chasm between the haves and have-nots.



Bella L
My Notes

👑 Your casual mathematician & storyteller | Courageously soaring through the Galaxy | Child of Mother Nature | 龍 🐉