An Algebra Challenge

šŸŽÆ Math Games | Puzzle 23 | 26/10/2024

BLā€™s Weekly Math Games


This weekā€™s Math Games challenge tests your understanding of algebra and factorization in particular. The solution shouldnā€™t be too long and complicated.

Now send in your solutions to the following email to enter the arena, Challengers!

From now on, Challengers must send in their solutions to this email address.

Solutions can come in all forms of media:

  • a simple paragraph within the mail
  • a PDF
  • a Word document
  • screenshots of handwritten solutions
  • anything else that works

This means I will no longer allow comments on the Math Games puzzle post. But if you think I have made any mistakes on the questions, do feel free to reach out using either emails.

We want accuracy, speed and creativity. The more you excel in these criteria, the more youā€¦



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