Is that block in your life keeping you from moving forward?

Neha Dubey
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2019

Have you ever felt like you’re some aimless mosaic piece in the universe brimming with paragons?

Are you trying to do something right, but failing?

Is it not just a delusion created by your mind as an excuse to soften the blow of consequences resulting from procrastination and lack of will power?

Let the honesty be your judge, and if your answer is yes, you’re trying to set things in a right motion and failing at it repeatedly, then you must know — you’re not alone.

There are times in life when we hit rock bottom. It’s this dingy place — dark and gloomy. A place that leaves you lost and depressed, and makes it difficult for you to notice any opportunity in disguise standing right at the front of your door.

I’ve never had a chance to encounter a single person who is yet to hit the lowest point in their life. Everyone, in one way or another, has fallen into that pit, which at first, appears too difficult to get out of.

Certainly, the variation of this experience faced by the individuals isn’t alike. But it’s there.

For some, the lowest point in life is when you’re pushed in a place where you become disengaged and isolated. There are a series of emotions, such as frustration, burn-out, exhaustion, sadness, guilt, anger, and pain that starts dominating your waking thoughts.

While for others, the rock bottom is that moment when life hits you like a Tsunami. You try to stay positive. You are willing to give it a tough fight, but you can’t. The strength in you is long gone.

Whatever the variation might be — there’s one thing you must remember, you’re not alone, having a low point isn’t the end. We’re all human. We encounter problems, the moments that keep us back from moving forward, the downfalls, and what not. However, the idea is not to give up.

Often, what we may consider as a problem or roadblock standing as a hindrance in our path, causing us anguish, pain, and anxiety, is actually nothing but a lesson to have fallen in our direction to teach us and assist us to push ourselves back on the track when we have been trapped in a maze and lost our aim.

This block, in any form, is here to teach us something about ourselves. It wants to guide us and point out the approaches that we’ve been taking wrong, which has eventually thrown our life out of balance in more than one crucial area. We’re out of alignment and think of the block as your messiah, to take you out of it.

So what do you do? Deal with it?

No shit, Sherlock! (No offense. I love y’ all.)

The question is, HOW.

The primary reaction of us, as humans, is to divert our mind and try to engage ourselves into anything that we think may help to avoid the situation and the excruciating pain that follows the realization.

However, I think that’s not the right approach. Sometimes it helps to look the hurdles straight into their face and take the course of action right away. I believe that the ideal way to move out of the pain from the block is to stop fighting and whining about it and to start dealing with it head-on.

We must embrace the feeling of gratitude and use a differential approach to learn from the hurdles. An inner journey is needed that leads to a path of self-discovery and helps us get the clarity over circumstances that led us to a block. It is here, after discovering the reason, that you should consider pressing the reset button and give your aim another shot.

I don’t want you to think of me as a guru or something who would give you ways to rediscover yourself. However, I wouldn’t mind sharing some of my personal experiences that have helped me a big deal in situations where I’ve found myself to be at the lowest.

There have been so many times when I’ve felt things to be consistently going in the wrong direction, or I hold this underlying sense of unhappiness and uneasiness, pushing me to focus on the wrong matters and stray away from my goal. But what helps me is to gain my clarity back.

  1. Finding things that make me happy. It can be anything simple as gardening, reconnecting with nature, dog sitting, window shopping, binging on Netflix for hours, etc.

2. Unplugging my connection with social media for a while until I’m mentally strong enough not to let the fascinating life pictured by it lure me away into anxiety (because platforms like Instagram and Facebook drive most of the time the toxic feeling in me and I’m not mentally fit enough to fight it.).

3. Redefining the purpose of my life and the reasons why I want it that way.

4. Seeking help from the people I trust the most and can rely on relentlessly without a shadow of a doubt, which in my case are my parents and siblings.

These are my ways to deal with the blocks. For you, I believe you can begin with a few simple things that I’m about to note. Now I’m not claiming it to be a sure shot approach, but I have faith that if it can work for the rest, it can work for you too.

It is okay to enjoy a quiet space until you have it all figured out

Seclusion — when chosen to sort priorities straight — is a good idea. When you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock, enjoy a private space of your choice — away from all the hustle and bustle, noise and chaos. Try to focus on your inner self and hear the voice of your heart that otherwise remains a thing of fiction. Use the quiet time to accept the problems in your path, breath, heal, let the pain walk away, and grow. Like Anne Frank said, “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.”

Stop denying and accepting the block if you want to move on

Don’t let your unwillingness to transform make your life difficult. The more you resist acceptance of the problems, the more anxiety and depression it triggers. Sometimes not acknowledging troubles to avoid pain and suffering drives more of them. Allow yourself to notice the pit you’ve fallen in, and discover every smallest ray of hope you can see that can help you to the other side of the tunnel. Learn from your mistakes.

Take responsibility of your doing, you may think you’re guilt-free, but the reality could be different

Taking ownership of your own life would churn an event of positive things in your life like never before. It’s your life, and you’re the one responsible for the place you’re in. You need to stop blaming others and justifying your mistakes. You may think you’re right, but try to have a clear vision. By not accepting your responsibility, you’re perhaps offering your power to others, meanwhile denying yourself the chance to grow again and learn from the mistakes. Conduct a self-assessment and find out the blind spots and all the wounds within you that are still fresh and need some time to heal.

I’ve said this earlier, and I’d repeat this; don’t let the roadblock divert your life in a negative aspect. It all sums up to your decisions and choices. They’re the ones that help you design the reality of your version. If you don’t like the way how things are, it’s about time you take the ownership and strive forward to change it because no one but you has the power to alter it.

Connect with me:

Twitter: @bellethewinebae

Instagram: @bellethewinebae

I also write romantic stories, find them on Wattpad.


