Back to Work

Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog
2 min readAug 27, 2019

Nice to be back training in the heat tonight.

Yesterday, I was desperate to train. A bit nerdily, it was the first thing I told our coach when he arrived in the changing rooms.

Often Mondays are a second recovery day. But I’d just watched back Saturday’s match on my computer before training and had the bit between my teeth. I wanted to get straight back on the pitch and felt ready to run through a brick wall.

He told me that probably wasn’t a good idea. We have another game on Friday this week, meaning one less day’s rest and he wants our focus to be on freshness. So me and the other lads who started Saturday jogged, stretched, chatted a bit about what we could do better then played a round of gris.

From Saturday’s match — the crowd were behind the camera, I swear!

So we were feeling fresh at training tonight, even in this late summer heatwave we’re enjoying. We enjoyed a good intense session too.

Afterwards, Ayo, one of our summer signings, said he wanted to practice his “De Bruyne crosses”. He said this in his North Manchester accent, which is always a bit baffling given he’s Swedish. But he joined our team after a spell in England at Derby County’s academy. This is where he picked up the accent, as well as his insane dribbling ability, which I’m quite looking forward to seeing him put to use against opposition defenders sometime soon. Well, anyone apart from me in training really.

I offered to stay out and do my best to imitate Aguero and divert Ayo’s low-slung De Bruyne deliveries towards goal. The only problem was the German giant with goalkeeper gloves on who kept getting in my way. We’ll take on Steffen again after training tomorrow.

The German Giant, Steffen Kraus.

• Thanks for reading. For more daily updates, join me on Instagram @lauriebellfootball and over on Twitter @lbellbell if you don’t already!

See you tomorrow. Cheers!



Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog

Writing blogs about my encounters playing football at home and abroad.