
Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog
2 min readAug 28, 2019

Completely forgot about blogging tonight. My best mate Jamie called me from England and we just got off the phone. Anyway, he’s doing well and it was great to catch up!

Before that, without training tonight, Sara and I went for a bike ride by the lake. The heatwave is still here and plenty of sailors were out enjoying the sunshine on their boats.

We cycled the trails and stopped off at Örebro’s unique outdoor gym. Well, maybe they’re everywhere in Sweden but it’s unique in our experience. The gym equipment is made completely of local wood. Well, actually I don’t know if it’s local but let’s stick with that. We bench pressed and deadlifted some local lumber, reasoning that if they could be bothered to build it, we could bother ourselves to do a few chin-ups on the wooden bars.

We got back on our saddles feeling like pumped up lumberjacks and rode home.

That’s it! See you tomorrow. Cheers!



Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog

Writing blogs about my encounters playing football at home and abroad.