Video Analysis With a Side of Falafel

Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog
2 min readAug 19, 2019

I’m writing at lunchtime today from Hälls Konditori, one of Örebro’s finest cafés. And I don’t just say that because they give me free lunch!

Hälls happens to be owned by the dad of teammate Christopher. They sponsor BK Forward, and Christopher’s sometimes behind the counter working. He’s not around today though, nor are any of the other lads who enjoy the unbeatable perk of a complimentary lunch deal.

Just me then, here with my computer to watch back some of Saturday’s match. But first I’m straight up to grab some grub. Hälls is famous locally for its fika — cakes and pastries served with hot coffee. But the extravagant dessert selection tempting me from behind glass cases doesn’t exactly fit my footballer’s diet. So up to the salad bar I go to build my bowl. My main man Shoresh, the legendary chief salad maker who had my order memorised after one day, isn’t around today. So I request each ingredient individually from the girl who’s name I don’t quite know yet:

Lettuce, tomato, avocado, one hard-boiled egg, quinoa, feta, red cabbage, Kalamata olives and warm falafel. Served with Hälls’ special sauce: a curry-flavoured salad dressing.

Sounds weird, but it really works. It’s all washed down with sparkling water, or bubbelvatten as it’s called here — one of my very favourite Swedish words.

I admit, my order is an odd one. But on the whole, Sweden — this nation so stereotyped for its IKEA meatballs— do salads better than anywhere. They’re massive! And happily for me and my lucky teammates, Hälls delivers some of Örebro’s best. Tack för maten folks!

I eat and watch the game. We played a 3–5–2 on Saturday and I was stationed on the left of a midfield three. I enjoyed the freedom to support the attack and get in the box even more than usual, but I’m watching back to analyse how I can get on the ball a bit more when playing in this slightly less central role.

That’s what’s going through my head as I take my last few bites of falafel and feta. Right, all done. Time to get back to the football!

  • Thanks for reading. For more daily updates, join me on Instagram @lauriebellfootball and over on Twitter @lbellbell if you don’t already!

See you tomorrow. Cheers!



Laurie Bell
Bell’s Footballing Blog

Writing blogs about my encounters playing football at home and abroad.