Emerging on the GRID — hygge

Belong Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2019
Image Description: Photo of Lem and Kris standing at a table, looking at each other. Lem is on the left, wearing a red top and holding a Les Paul guitar. Kris stands on the right, wearing all black and holding a microphone supported on a stand. A Macbook and audio equipment is hooked up on the table.

Music connects people in so many different ways, but getting a start in the industry is a notoriously tough gig. Here at Belong, we support GRID Series which is an artist development program that helps emerging musicians and strengthens communities through music.

We got in touch with ‘hygge’ (hue-guh), an intrepid duo who are part of GRID Series’ 2019 program to ask them a bunch of questions about their journey as they release their new single Blind Faith.

‘A world where everyone accepts each other for who they are would be a far better place — #utopia.’ — Lem

Image Description: Photo of Kris singing; she’s holding on to a microphone and her eyes are almost closed. Lem is on the left edge of the foreground, out of focus.

What was your childhood like?

Lem: Filled with soccer. Growing up in Amman, the capital of Jordan, I was always spending time with neighbors playing soccer, climbing trees, and coming up with our own games and adventures.

Kris: I grew up in Epping, Sydney. I was lucky to have a pretty happy childhood. My parents both worked hard on their careers so I was encouraged to be independent from a young age, catching the bus home and cooking dinner for everyone sometimes. I was given a lot of opportunities in terms of being able to learn piano and trumpet and getting to do some overseas travel in high school.

Who are the most influential people in your life?

Lem: My brothers Zeid and Costy. Despite some of my culture’s stance when it comes to women, my brothers have really broken away from the norm and have always been my biggest supporters in so many ways. In general, my family’s support has directly and positively impacted my path in music.

Where do you go for inspiration?

Kris: I’m usually inspired by life experiences. I find that song writing helps me process complex emotions and challenging experiences, so sometimes a song will come out of something that I’m going through at the time. Sometimes I’ll be talking to friends and family and someone will say something poetic and I’ll write that down and it will end up in a song at some stage. My partner and the process of navigating a new relationship has been the inspiration for a lot of my recent song writing. I will write anywhere, any time — at work, on the train, at home — I’m always jotting down lyrics and singing melodies into the voice memos app on my phone.

Image Description: Photo of Lem sitting down and playing acoustic guitar. She’s singing into a microphone supported on a stand.

Who helped you along the journey to becoming a musician?

Lem: It’s happened so organically over the years for me. My family has been a big supporter- for sure- and I’ve met some incredible giving fellow musicians and producers who have strengthened my self-belief which is what I think all this is about.

Kris: My parents encouraged me to learn instruments when I was younger, and then I was lucky to have some great music teachers throughout school. I kind of rediscovered my love of music a couple of years ago after a long break away from it, and that was helped along by the singing school that I joined which had an awesome little community of like-minded, creative people who inspired me to keep at it.

What does it mean to Belong?

Kris: I think the times that I have most felt a sense of belonging have been when I was with people I love and care about, my family and close friends. I’ve felt a sense of belonging when I’ve been with a group of people through a shared experience like going on a trip together, or being in a band together.

How do you celebrate diversity?

Kris: To me, celebrating diversity means accepting everyone for who they are and recognising that people’s differences bring colour and variety to life which is a beautiful thing!

How do you spend your time online?

Lem: Well, recently, I’ve been listening to podcasts a whole lot. So a lot of Spotify and some goofy videos my family and friends send on occasion.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Lem: Getting rid of judgement and self-entitlement. I really think people judging each other has been so normalised and has been going too far. A world where everyone accepts each other for who they are would be a far better place #utopia.

Kris: Right at this moment it would be for governments around the world to start taking real action to reduce the impact of climate change.

Image Description: Covert art of hygge’s Single. A single black fine line illustrates two connected faces, drawn in profile, looking opposite directions, on a white background. Below this is another line illustrating the words ‘Blind Faith’.

Check out hygge’s brand new single Blind Faith on Spotify.

If you’d like to find out more about grassroots music development, take a look at GRID Series.

