Nine reasons why you should cycle to work (lycra optional)

Anna Cook
Belong Blog


Cycling to work helps you achieve two things at once — exercising and the commute. With Ride to Work day kicking off today, here are nine reasons why you should get on your bike:

It’s great for health

Duh, obviously. But did you know it’s also great for your mental health? Exercise releases endorphins that help you feel good and reduce stress. You too can be that awful person that arrives perky and excited for the day.

You’re always on time

When you ride your bike nothing can get in the way of your journey (save the occasional flat tyre). There are no traffic jams, no late trains, no stuck trams, just you and your bike rolling to work.

Arrive fresher than when you left

Belong, like many other businesses, has end-of-trip facilities where you can lock your bike securely, shower and change before you head into work.

Save HEAPS of money

Say your commute costs $4 per journey. Cycle instead and you’re saving around $1,800 a year.

Image description: A black and white photography of two Belong team members standing on a bike lane with their bicycles, wearing helmets. They are smiling and taking a selfie.

It’s social

When you cycle you get lots of instant new friends that share your hobby. Cyclists are always happy to share tips on the best route or nearby coffee shop. When did you last have a chat at the traffic lights?

See a new side to your city

There are thousands of kilometres of bike paths in our cities that follow creeks, old railway lines and connect parks. In many cases, when you cycle to work you don’t need to cycle on the roads at all.

Wear what you want

Really, lycra isn’t necessary. It’s cool if you want to wear it, it’s just not obligatory. Keep loose clothing away from your gears, and you’re free to wear whatever.

Park where you want

Taking the kids to school? Need to get food on the way home? No problem, cycle right up to the door, and there’ll be a bike loop or a convenient place to lock your bike.

Save the environment

If you calculate the food energy it takes to fuel you on your bike vs the fuel it takes to move a car, a bike is up to 25 times more efficient.*

Convinced but feel nervous or aren’t sure of the best route? Ask one of the cyclists at your work to ride with you for the first time.




Anna Cook
Belong Blog

Digital Strategist and lover of bicycles. Occasional refugee from reality.