10 Ways To Tell You Have Encountered a Female Narcissist

To be forewarned is to be forearmed

Lily A


Photo by Ferdinand Studio

Today, I want to take the focus off men for a bit and put it on women, specifically, female narcissists that I have encountered in the friendship space.

I have encountered a lot of narcissists in my life, too many in fact. I have met them in my personal life, at work, and even in social settings. I am an empath and some people believe that narcissists are attracted to empaths and vice versa. Other people believe that narcissists are equal opportunists who will go after anyone, empath or not.

Maybe it’s a little bit of both?

I was surrounded by narcissists growing up. At the time, the internet did not exist. I don’t even think the concept of narcissism was even known. You just thought that the way people behaved was their character and you learned to adapt to them.

I don’t know whether narcissists are born that way or whether they develop this personality disorder over time, but what I know is that they will open you up to a portal of pain you never knew existed.

Let’s just get into it.

1. They are friendly, very, very friendly- A female narcissist like her male counterpart is very charming. They have lots of friends. They will introduce…



Lily A

I write mostly about relationships, dating, and singleness. I also started a corporate blog https://medium.com/corporate-reflections. IG: @alilywriter.