8 Things Women Want But Won’t Tell You

1. A guy that never lies.



Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

What do women want more than these 8 things they choose not to talk about but deep, deep inside of them, really count and care about? Although all women are different, this is what most of them want from the person they love.

1. A man that never tells lie.

Lying is something we often do, sometimes unconsciously, and find it convenient since no one is holding us responsible for it. This is a bad habit that becomes normal if it happens often, especially in a relationship. Women want a man who’s always telling the truth about every situation, even if they know it will hurt their woman. Relationships are built on trust, and trust is invalid without honesty.

2. A man with a vision or a dream.

Have you ever heard the expression “if you are not after something, something will be after you?” A dream doesn’t have to be about becoming the best person that ever existed or doing the best thing ever. Dreaming means understanding why you exist or were created. Women love it when their men are passionate about achieving worthwhile things for the family and themselves.

3. A man who has money.




Cat and relationship writer. Remember to pray for money, love and a kitten.