A Guy Said He Was Going to Marry Me Last Night

He wasn’t kidding

Colleen Sheehy Orme


Photo by Jeremy Wong: On Pexels

I went to a fundraiser last night with a few friends. We came back and went to a bar not far from our apartment building. I was excited because a guy I know is back in town.

I call him “The Australian.”

Because he’s from Australia.

He’s my buddy.

I met and bonded with him in November when I wasn’t going through the easiest time. He overheard me talking one day, and couldn’t help but chime in.

He’s a smart ass like me.

We hung out for a while and I agreed to meet him again tomorrow. I was ready to go home. My dorm bestie was sitting beside me, and was also ready to head out soon.

A guy walked in and sat next to me.

My dorm bestie knew him, I didn’t.

Another one of our guy friends was leaving. He was giving me a hard time. He said my dorm bestie was street smart but I wasn’t. He said I needed to beware of men.

He said I didn’t have the same compass that she did.

He said that I was too trusting.

I listened to what he said. He’s always watching out for me. I appreciate it. He thinks I’m a deer in the divorce dating headlights. He’s not…



Colleen Sheehy Orme

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected colleen.sheehy.orme@gmail.com