Beloved Writing Challenge: January

Beloved memories and new beginnings

DJ apex
3 min readJan 12, 2024


Person holding a balloon with the word “love.”
Photo by Jane Fela on Unsplash

I can hardly believe we’ve danced our way into another year. But that’s a fact, and we’re well on our way into 2024.

Sorry for the late challenge launch, but the start of a new year is always hectic.

Nevertheless, we couldn’t be more thrilled to unveil the January 2024 challenge for our beloved community. And if you’re not a Medium member, no worries—you can still read this story in full via this FOM link.

January is the month inspired by the old Greek god, Janus. The god’s dual-faced nature represents the past and the future, symbolizing transitions and the duality of time.

This symbolism seamlessly aligns with the essence of January as a month of beginnings.

When Janus’s face is directed towards the past. It urges us to reflect on our path, acknowledging the challenges and triumphs we faced in the year.

Through self-reflection and introspection in January, we can gain insights into where we’ve been and how those experiences have shaped us.

The Gateway Month

Janus is also known as the deity of transitions and doorways, underscoring the double nature of January.

It’s a month that invites us to cross thresholds, leaving behind what no longer serves us and embracing opportunities for growth and change.

Just as Janus oversees passages and gateways, January becomes our gateway into the future—a start marking the beginning of a cycle.

So our first challenge of 2024 draws inspiration from Janus.

We encourage you to explore the duality of your experiences by reflecting on both lessons learned and envisioning a future.

Take time to revisit moments of transition in your journey and consider sharing insights gained from those experiences.

We encourage you to embrace the nature of time, recognizing how your past, present, and future are intertwined and appreciating the opportunities that arise with every fresh start.

Beloved memories and new beginnings

Dive into the depths of your heart and unwrap the memories that may deeply resonate with the readers. Share those stories about the cherished moments that define love in your world.

Share with us the moments that pluck at your heartstrings, be it a heartwarming relationship, a story of resilience, or the sheer joy of discovering love in unexpected places.

How did love shape your journey? Reflect on the relationships that left an indelible mark on your soul.

Submission Guidelines

We don’t want to stifle your creativity, so feel free to let your writing run wild. These are only some general guidelines.

  • Deadline: Your stories, your heart’s whispers, are welcome until the stroke of midnight on January 31st.
  • Word Count: Aim for a narrative that unfolds in a minimum of 800 words. Let the emotions flow, and don’t hold back. We want to feel the heartbeat of your stories.
  • Submission Process: Tag your creation with “Beloved Challenge.” On the story editor, hit that “submit to publication” button, and choose our cozy corner, “Beloved.”

We can’t wait to dive into your stories.

Why Participate?

Because your voice matters.

But there’s more:

Top Picks: Our editorial team will sift through the entries, handpicking stories that tug at our heartstrings. We will be featuring and promoting your stories across our social platforms.

Beloved spotlight: Your story will be featured under “Beloved Challenge” on our navigation bar.

That’s all for now, belovers! It’s time to play those heartstrings and tell us more about you and the stories that have moved your heart.

With all our love,

Your beloved editors.

A.N. If you’ve been tagged it’s because you are a writer with us, and we don’t want you to miss the chance of joining the fun. Don’t worry, we don’t do it often! If you don’t wish to be tagged, please let us know via private note and we’ll remove you from the list. The authors’ handles are not disclosed to ensure privacy.



DJ apex

They/them/theirs. A polyhedral human and author writing to Rock Your World! Editing to help you Rock your writer's voice!