Beloved Writing Challenge — November 2023

All You Need is Love

DJ apex
2 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash

Music is an ancient form of art and human expression. Music transcends time, genres, and boundaries.

Songs echo through the ages, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

Poetry and songs have been the pillars of human culture for millennia.

Talking about forever songs, “All You Need Is Love” by The Beatles comes to mind as one of the most striking examples in recent years of a song that continues to resonate with us all.

The song by The Beatles emerged in the summer of 1967 as part of a worldwide satellite broadcast called Our World. The broadcast aimed to connect people across the globe.

The song, with its simple yet profound message, became a symbol of the counterculture movement and the flower power era.

The Beatles conveyed the powerful idea that love is the universal language that transcends borders, cultures, and languages.

This message remains as relevant today as it was in 1967.

In November 2023, I’m thrilled to announce the latest writing challenge for our Medium publication, Beloved, with the theme:

“All You Need Is Love.”

In the spirit of this timeless song, we invite you to participate in the Beloved Writing Challenge for November.

This challenge is an opportunity to explore the multifaceted theme of love through your words.

Challenge Details

  1. Choose Your Perspective: Love can be examined from various angles — romantic love, self-love, love for humanity, and more. Select the aspect of love that resonates with you the most.
  2. Craft an article that delves into your chosen perspective on love. Share personal anecdotes, insights, and reflections on how love has touched your life or the lives of others.
  3. Explore examples of individuals, movements, or moments in history where love has driven change and made the world a better place.

Submit your story to Beloved. Be sure to mention your piece is a response to our prompt and tag it:

“Beloved Writing Challenge”

Stories will be featured in our publication, reaching a broader audience and showcasing your work to new readers.

Engage with fellow writers and readers who share your passion for the profound theme of love.

Join meaningful discussions and connect with the community.

Your words have the power to inspire change and touch the hearts of many. Use your writing to spread love and positivity in a world that could use more of it.

Final thoughts

Love is the force that connects us all, and through your writing, you can celebrate and amplify its significance.

Are you ready to be part of our love chain?

Hop on the Beloved love train, and let’s explore the depths of love through our words.

“All You Need Is Love” — now, more than ever.



DJ apex

They/them/theirs. A polyhedral human and author writing to Rock Your World! Editing to help you Rock your writer's voice!