Going Solo Under the Mistletoe

What’s it like to be single during Christmas?

Rui Alves
4 min readDec 23, 2023


A single man at home during Christmas time.
Image by the author on Leonardo AI

I’ve been single for most Christmases thus far. Even though that’s no longer the case, I still know all too well how someone who is single can experience mixed feelings during Christmas.

The holiday season feels bittersweet; on the one hand, it is a season of joy and happiness, but it can also be a lonely time for those who may not have anyone to share their holiday cheer with.

Traditionally, the ‘best time of the year’ becomes more about couples than any other season, so those who are single may start to feel the holiday blues around Christmas and the New Year.

In my life coaching studies, I came across the works of sociologist Émile Durkheim, who refers to Christmas as a time of “collective effervescence,” urging us to get out of our “bubble” to take part in social events that promote happiness and give us a sense of belonging to a larger group.

Hence, the holidays are meant to be spent with family and friends, but if you’re not in a relationship, it can be hard to find someone who shares your interest in cold weather, hot cocoa, and exchanging gifts with loved ones as I did after being single for a big part of my life.

Thus, I know how it feels, and I’m here to tell you that being single around Christmas time isn’t as lonely as you might think.

A panoply of events during the holiday season are tailored for singles, and if you find yourself traveling home this year, it presents a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with an old crush.

This happened to me five years ago in one of those twists of fate that you find only in the best Nicholas Sparks novels.

Don’t let the Grinch’s mood ruin Christmas for you.

Christmas is just around the corner, and traditionally, this means an increase in dysphoric moods.

You’re not alone. It’s normal to feel that way during the holidays but don’t let that Grinch’s mood get the best of you.

It’s crucial to keep the season’s spirit in your heart. If you do feel lonely during the holidays, don’t worry.

The holidays are a time to celebrate with friends and family, relax, reflect, and be grateful for what you have.

They’re also a great opportunity to give back to those less fortunate than yourself.

Moreover, Christmas is also a time to take a break to be introspective and reflect on what you want out of life. It can be a great opportunity to reassess your goals and priorities and to reaffirm your values.

If you’re single, find a reason to celebrate Christmas for yourself.

I know it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of holiday spirit if you allow it to consume your life.

You might find yourself shopping excessively or just doing stuff around the house to keep busy.

However, it’s important to be cautious as the holiday season can also become overwhelming.

It is no secret that singles often find this time of year stressful.

Thus, you need to take some time for yourself, even if it means skipping the grand holiday gatherings. By doing so, you will feel more at ease and better prepared for the new year.

Being single has its highs and lows, but remember, you have the power to make the holidays yours.

Being single does not mean being alone.

During this time of year, we often find ourselves spending more time with our families. Yet, it’s easy to feel alone and isolated when everyone else is surrounded by familiar faces

You may find that the holidays are an excellent time to focus on your happiness and well-being rather than trying to impress or entertain someone else with gifts and festivities.

It’s okay if they’re single too. You have to remember that everyone is lonely at some point.

You should never make decisions based solely on what other people think; always do what makes sense for you.

If you think about it, being single is not a bad thing. It can be an opportunity to focus on yourself and do things you wouldn’t normally do if you were in a relationship.

You’ll have more time to spend with friends and family. And because you no longer have someone else’s expectations hanging over your head, it’s easier for them to just be themselves around you.

Being single is great if you decide to enjoy it, no matter what time of year it is.

For those of you who are open to a new relationship, Christmas can be the best time of the year to fall in love.

There is a sense of peace and goodwill in the air, which makes it a great opportunity to get to know someone better and to build a relationship that will last.

So if someone mentions meeting up for coffee before leaving town again next week, don't pass up this opportunity.

So, what have you planned for the holiday season?



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.