How to UpgradeYour Relationship Through Attachment Theory

The power of emotional bonds and how to nurture healthy connections

Jennifer Pitts


By Scharfsinn86 (iAFuK4A8N5w | DAFuK3NZqKU)

By recognizing that I have traits of an anxious attachment style, I can feel the shift as soon as my partner pulls away.

After years of dating, I was in a repetitive cycle, attracting avoidant partners.

As the tears streamed down my face, I felt many emotions, from extreme sadness to disappointment but mostly anger. He knew what he was doing. He was orchestrating the breakup. I was getting too close.

Although I called him out, he went into denial and shifted the blame to me, classic avoidant behaviour, leaving me questioning my intellectual feelings.

Even though I was hurt, we had to break up. The relationship wasn't going to progress; it couldn't, and if it did, we would have been looped in an anxious and avoidant trap.

Toxicity at its finest.

The anxious and avoidant trap

As my relationship ended, I realized we were both caught in the anxious and avoidant trap.

I confessed my feelings to my partner one night at dinner, which made him feel uncomfortable and begin disconnecting from me, although he told me he…

