I Threw My Wedding Dress in a Dumpster

And that is where it belongs

Claire Franky
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2023


Where else would you put this? | Photo by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash

I just saw the dumpster there. On my neighbor’s driveway. It didn’t have much in it. No one was looking. The dress wouldn’t take up that much space. It felt right. It felt like destiny.

I wish I’d thrown the dress in the dumpster before the wedding.

Although, I would have missed out on the hissy fit my mother-in-law threw when I asked her to wait until after our wedding photos to change into her shorts.

Being alive to witness that is my greatest accomplishment.

It wasn’t until this past weekend, four years after my wedding, that my dress met its fate.

When I moved out of our family home, I left my wedding dress in the closet. A couple of days later, my husband messaged me to tell me I forgot to take it with me. I explained that I didn’t forget it. I purposefully left it there with him, in the fiery pits of hell.

A month later, he came to visit for our daughter’s birthday/ to fleece me.

I saran-wrapped my credit cards and jewelry to my ribs. Better luck next time, Buddy.

When he arrived, he presented me with my wedding dress.

