In Love, Cut Your Losses Early

Shannon Vaughn
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2021


No matter your age

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Oh I meant to tell you, I broke up with ____.

Had this have been three years ago I would’ve been ecstatic for my mom. But the truth is, after a falling out between her and my sister that lasted in months of silence between us, I could care less.

She met her former boo on a dating site about five years ago. He lived out of state and wasted no time filling her head with dreams.

Within three months of “dating”, she professed she would move to his state, they would marry, and live in a million dollar home. All without having met him in person.

The next five years entailed a whirlwind of them flying back and forth in and out of each others towns. He got the silver spoon out the deal. She allowed him to stay with her rent free for up to six months at a time. As for her, well she got the 3 star extended stay treatment. And never ending promises of a destination wedding and million dollar lifestyle.

My mom is no spring chicken. I’m a firm believer that the older we become, in regards to dating, the more intentional and no nonsense one should be. After the of age sixty there is no room for missteps. No time to waste on dream sellers long distance or not.

