Journey of Love, Part I — Falling in Love

A story of love, heartbreak, and forgiveness

Jessica Lucia


Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash


July, 2001

He came through my doorway wearing a light blue and white striped polo shirt, his face angled toward the floor as he brushed the front strands of his blond hair with his fingers. When he looked up, I thought he’s more handsome than I remembered.

“Jessica, this is Jason. Jason, this is Jessica,” our mutual friend, Shawn, introduced us. Technically I had met Jason once before, but I knew he wouldn’t remember me.

A couple of weeks prior, I ran into Shawn and Jason at my neighborhood bar after dancing with some friends at a club downtown. Shawn and I worked together and generally hung out with the same people, but I had never seen Jason before. Shawn explained that they were friends from high school. Jason attended NC State but was home for the summer.

I made my way to the bar to get some water. When I turned back around, Jason was sitting on a bar stool across from me, his palms pressed against the front of the stool between his legs, as though he were holding himself up.

He lifted one of his hands and pointed to my sparkly blue tube top. “Bluuuue,” he said, his eyelids closing heavily over his clear blue eyes. “I like bluuuue.”



Jessica Lucia

Educator. Mother. Runner. Co-editor of Tell Your Story. I love the New York Mets, bridges terrify me, and I hate cottage cheese.