Journey of Love, Part III — Breaking Up

A Story of Love, Heartbreak, and Forgiveness

Jessica Lucia


Photo by Thiago Matos on Pexels

Breaking Up

March, 2009

It ended with a phone call. It was the Thursday before my spring break, less than two months before graduation, and I was working on my thesis in our home office. The phone had been ringing periodically since the morning, but the caller ID showed a private number, so I didn’t pick up. Around 2 pm, I finally answered.

“Hello,” I said, hesitantly.

“Hi, is Jessica there?” It was a voice I had never heard.

“This is her,” I replied.

“My name is Marcus *Schneider. He paused for a few seconds. “There is no easy way to tell you this,” he said finally. “Do you know my girlfriend, Rachel *Deacon?”

I had never met Rachel, but I knew who she was. She and my boyfriend, Jason, played in the same volleyball league. Marcus didn’t wait for me to respond.

“Jason and Rachel have been in a relationship for the past few months,” he said.

My heart stopped. Everything went numb. Impossible, I thought.

“I found a letter Jason wrote to Rachel. Do you have an e-mail address? I’d like to send it to you.”



Jessica Lucia

Educator. Mother. Runner. Co-editor of Tell Your Story. I love the New York Mets, bridges terrify me, and I hate cottage cheese.