Sensitivity: Meeting It with Love

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Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2023
Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash

Dear Self,

I allow myself to fall into a puddle of self love and understanding.

To allow the experience beneath my mask, recognizing that the effort to fit into a world designed for a different nervous system is a testament to resilience. I acknowledge the strength it takes to navigate a society not exactly crafted with my unique needs in mind.

I allow my sensory needsβ€Šβ€”β€Šthe gentle touch, the sweet taste, the soothing sights. In each experience, I will find the experiences that resonate with my soul, crafting feelings comfort and joy.

On days when the my visual, auditory, internal, or external becomes overwhelming, I grant myself the gift of quiet pauses, seeking solace whenever I can.

I create spaces where I can breathe, finding harmony within the ups and downs of my own body’s needs and signals.

I make an effort to cultivate sensory-friendly gardens within my lifeβ€Šβ€”β€Šspaces that respect my unique flowers of sensory preferences. I find quiet corners, breaks, and tools that soothe, creating an environment where acceptance blooms in every part of my authentic self.

I honor the unique experience that is being me.

With so much love and so much understanding,


Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash



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