Mutual Respect Is The Only Foundation For A Lasting Relationship

A story of the present… the past… and the present

Greg Proffit


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

My 23-year-old son is dating a sweetheart of a girl. She’s a couple years younger than him and for personal and religious reasons, she’s saving herself for marriage. I couldn’t be more proud of my son, or more happy when I see them together.

I can see the way he looks at her. There is a depth of respect, even reverence, for her values. And he’s protecting that.

He buys her flowers for no reason. Which is the absolute best reason a man can buy flowers for the woman he loves. And she’s teaching him to play songs on the guitar that she sings with an angelic voice. They’re beyond cute.

My son has dated before, even seriously, and had a long-term relationship in which they were sexually active. That doesn’t make me less proud of him, especially since they were smart and careful and lucky enough not to bring an unplanned child into the world.

It’s part of this story because that line of sexual activity is difficult to retreat from once crossed.

A tough line not to keep crossing

Besides being a hell of a lot of fun, for many men, sex is affirming. The adage that men need sex to feel good…



Greg Proffit
Writer for

Communication Studies & Sociology scholar on God, Language, Love, Literature, Living, Music, Politics, Psychology, etc. —325+ stories.