Navigating Single Life in Your 30s: The Stigma and the Freedom

Discovering the perks and quirks of being unhitched in the prime of life

Nathan Chen


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

When I hit the big 3–0, my phone’s calendar, instead of presenting me with meetings and project deadlines, seemed to be filled with a slew of names. Friends, cousins, even that one kid I sat next to in high school calculus (you remember him, right? Mr. “I-can-solve-any-equation”?) were all taking the plunge, marching down the aisle, saying their “I dos.” I, on the other hand, found myself happily single and smack dab in the center of life’s dance floor with no intention of waltzing into matrimonial bliss just yet.

The 30s and the “S” Word

First off, let’s address the colossal elephant in the room — being single in your 30s. It’s like being a unicorn in a field full of horses. “Oh look, there’s one without a ring!” they exclaim as you navigate your way through another family gathering. Bless my grandparents; they’ve probably prayed to every deity for my “inevitable” union with Mr. Right. But guess what? The “S” word, yes, single, isn’t as scary as it seems.

The Stigma

Just like how every superhero movie has a villain, every single life in your 30s has its nemesis — the stigma. Not to throw my dear…



Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!