Quantum Mechanics of the Heart

Quantum Love: A Collective Entity

You may cross the universe with your lover

Jl Millis
Published in
7 min readFeb 8, 2024


Heart entangled in blue glow of love with a lovers heart across the world
Sub-Atomic to Molecular Entanglement — Love is co-relation allowing Super-Position Photo by Faded_Gallery on Unsplash

“ New organs of perception come into being as a result of necessity. Therefore, O man, increase your necessity, so that you may increase your perception.” — Rumi¹

What we don’t know of love is staggering.

Every once in a while someone asks a question that pulls the blanket off the shoulder of his lover. Both perceive that they have been playing around with the mundane. All the while, the matter, the space, and the time, is entangled so that the super-position of loving and Beloved are one and the same.

Neils Bohr, the physicist who designed The Bohr Atom model we all drew in science class, had a conversation with Werner Heisenberg in the summer of 1920. There is an oft-quoted statement he made that afternoon:

“When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet is not so concerned with describing facts as with creating images, and establishing mental connections.”²

Quantum mechanics like love; is not understood with common sense. There are parallels and seeming paradoxes, between human emotions and the workings of the universe. What lies betwixt the ‘solid’ sensible world we perceive…



Jl Millis

I have a good eye, nimble fingers, a sensuous mind and stories to share. A writer, tutor, retired teacher, mother and wife. https//sweet.pub/jl_millis