What I’d Say to My Future Partner, if I Knew Who He Was

Sending my undeliverable love letter

Janna Barrett
Published in
14 min readFeb 6, 2023


Hand lettering by Janna Barrett

I am not a hopeless romantic. I don’t subscribe to the notions of fate or destiny; I believe in preparedness and recognizing opportunity. So when it comes to partnership, I don’t believe there’s one person out there, designed just for me.

That said, I am still very much “a romantic.” I’m just a realistic one.

I believe in varying levels of compatibility across multiple realms — intellectual, emotional, physical; values, aspirations, lifestyle, etc. There’s definitely an elusive sweet spot in the romantic Venn diagram, but anyone with a considerable degree of overlap is a good match.

Finding someone with whom most, or all, the components overlap, though? That’s what I’d call a great match.

It seems akin to finding a needle in a haystack—but that’s part of what makes it so special. I’m fortunate in having found it before. I will find it again someday.

My certainty of this relationship should not be conflated with credulity. It’s an eventuality. As long as I keep dating, I’ll find someone I’m both attracted to and deeply compatible with—and who feels the same way about me. Someday, we’ll mutually agree that we don’t…



Janna Barrett

Hi! I'm an Artist and Flight Attendant based in DC. I write and draw about my experiences as a travel professional. Follow for adventure and emotion!