
What is Love?

A poem to find a meaning of Love

Sahil Patel


Photo by Espolòn Tequila on Unsplash

Love a feeling,

That has a special place in all of our hearts.

Love is when you want to give someone happiness,

And stay happy in others' happiness.

Love is not just intimacy,

Love is all about loyalty.

Love is a passion,

Love is trust,

Love is commitment,

Love is neither affection nor an attraction,

Love is a deep connection.

Love is not about being jealous,

Love is to be selfless.

In love, you should respect each other,

Rather than expecting from each other.

Love is growing together,

Love is learning from each other,

Love is equality,

Love is all about being patient,

Love is friendship.

Without love, there is no life,

Without love, there is no peace,

Without love. there is no human being.

Love is passionate emotion that excites all of us. Relationships are based on the concept of love. If you want to know the true meaning of love then examine your mother’s love.

Mother can love unconditionally. My mother teaches me the definition of love. She sacrificed for me. She cares for me.

For me, she is a great example of an “unconditional lover”. Nowadays, we want love based on conditions. However, if you truly love someone then it should be unconditional. Conditions apply in businesses and deals. In love, you don’t make deals, you make pure relationships.

Nowadays, there is a more need for people who love unconditionally. You can’t force someone to love you, but you can always love the person without any expectations.

Love has the power to change you as a human being. Love is more about acceptance than expecting from each other.

What is your definition of love?

Let’s start the conversation.

I hope you enjoy the piece.



Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.