Why Men Chase Other Women, They Don’t Belong to You

Free yourself and let him go

Jennifer Pitts


By Sam Barnes Photography BADZ-X63aQ0

The worst feeling you can experience is sitting at a restaurant with your man and watching him eye flirt with other women, or you might find him hiding in a dark corner with them at the bar while you are looking for him. When you do find him, he lacks the introduction between you.

As women, we have a built-in witchy intuition that flows through our body as soon as we suspect the possibility of unfaithfulness from our man.

As a secure woman, you will know the difference when he is checking out other women or chasing. We all enjoy flirting when it's platonic, but when it begins to make you feel insecure and question your relationship, that becomes the red flag you shouldn't ignore.

Why do men chase other women?

On his YouTube channel Self-Development, David Hammond mentions that some men haven't discovered a greater mission in their life than chasing women because they haven't established their roots. This leads them to the shiny object syndrome, which creates quick fixes in their lives.

Each new woman they try to conquer is a new shiny object; it doesn't have to do with the women themselves; it has to do with the man not being emotionally mature enough to know who…

